I am getting stupid


Aug 14, 2003
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No idea why, but for some reason I am losing what used to be brains. I am doing things without realizing them. I am not able to do complicated math problems anymore. My memory is deterorating so much that sometimes I can't remember things I just did 5 minutes ago. My hearing is going. My vision is getting worse than it is. Am I on the verge of death?

PS- On the plus side, I just learned to type! :cheers:
sounds like you got a definite crush on someone, that tends to have the same symptoms
How old are you again?

I actually found when i left school i kind of went all funny in the head. The stress that i felt over coursework and stuff at collage didn't make me forgetful exactly but i lost my edge. At school people always used to say i knew everything, because i did know a lot and i was also very sharp witted but really for the past couple of years i just havent been funny and i don't know the answer to everyones pointless questions (Most of the time i would just make it up because its "common" sense). Anyway, now that I'm past that stress i feel myself returning to what i used to be like.

So yeah, it could be stress of some sort...related to work, school or as Royale said, girls.
Or maybe sleep, eating habits or too much video games (say it aint so doctor).
No crushes, today. I sleep fine. I don't eat much. I am sorry to say it, but, yes, it is probably too much video game playing! My mom was right! I am 13, Farrow. I am 14 in July. :D And, school just let out 2 weeks ago. :cat:
Yup mommie is right. BTW I love your quote it reminds me of about 4 years ago when i was at a comic store and there was a 40 year old korean guy playing pokemon with all the 10 year olds. What a way to stick it out :thumbs:.
Yeah but koreans are known for their gaming...In fact korean gamers are like footballers are here.
Bah you ruined my joke :(. I forgot to mention he was wearing a pokemon badge vest also, now that is funny!
Haha...Anyway, I'm hoping that what you said was at least a little innocent because something a little more subtle in your previous post is rather disturbing.
So, what should I do? It is very disheartening knowing that the thing you do for fun can make you useless scum. :|
hehe all innocence intended :cheese:. Anyways yea kid dont play too many video games they will fry your brain ;).
Meh...Forget about it I'm sur- oh....Sorry

Seriously though, spread you time out a little....Do other things other than playing ont he computer. Too much of one thing is bound to have an effect on you. Also remember that at your age your brain is rewiring itself so everything is going to feel different.
Its not just your outward appearance that changes at your age.
mchammer75040... ummm, whats your sig all about?
sigh..not meant to be racist, if the mods believe it to be so then they can tell me to change it.
you may not mean it to be, but it is a racist term. by the way it doesn't bother me, i'm just being stupid and political.
lmao, nice........ but im not interested, sorry! :cheers: lol
On topic again: I have the same symptoms. My sight has gone worse, especially at night driving a car. On monday I can't remember what I did on the weekend, let alone the week before. I can hardly concentrate when I want to study. I'm having these RSI complaints lately (strain in the neck and lower back). So I guess cutting down on computer/games is definitely worth trying.
I do play hockey. Every weekend I have a game. Do you think learning to program is worth a try? I used to program, but I forgot most of what I knew. :(
I don't play many vdeo games, but I spend a lot of time in front of the comp, surfing.

The best thing you can do is read a lot. I have a BIG section in my bookmarks about "knowledge" and it subdivides into conspiracies, Science, nukes, reporting and other stuff.

Try going everyday to www.wikipedia.com, it's a great site to learn a lot.

I usually don't remember some stuff also, but my memory seems fine.
Hmmmm. WikiPedia is my new homepage. I remember experiencing this last summer as well. I played Wolfenstein: ET 24/7. I kind of lightened up on my gaming, a bit in the past year. :E I read 1 hour everyday. :D And my position is upright and facing the screen with 2 feet between me and it. :rolling:
Sprafa is right about reading. By reading you challenge your brain. Programming should challenge your brain as well, thus 'keeping it in shape'. Actually I read somewhere that people who read a lot suffer less from brain diseases such as Altzheimers.

You should however try and find out if your position in front of the pc is right
do something constructive. like you said, learn to program, or download XSI and get practising. i feel myself getting dumber after reading a few posts in the hl2 discussion forum, but all that needs to be done is to keep your mind working on something.

it's like exercise i guess. keep doing stomach crunches and you'll end up with a six pack, but the rest of your body will still look like crap. likewise, keep playing games and you'll have the sharpest gaming mind around, but the rest of your brain will suffer. so basically a little like sprafa said, try some other stuff apart from gaming, and you'll get your sharpness back :)
Yes unfortunately too much videogaming tends to stupify people, 'specially the young lads.. I notice it alot on my 11 year old sister son.

Even it out with some hobbies and other stuff that's fun. Also, there is other stuff you can do at the comp like chatting and.. forumvisiting. Doesn't have any effect on me AFAIK. :)
I have had similar symptoms as you. I used to stay at the comp 8 hours a day but now I have shrinked it to 2-4 hours. And I have also started to play floorball and going jogging. It really has helped me. Still, the gaming has left its marks as my memory is kinda bad. But yeah, do something else, go out and give yourself something else to do.
GSW said:
you may not mean it to be, but it is a racist term. by the way it doesn't bother me, i'm just being stupid and political.

Has the world gone mad? I know you don't mean anything bad by it but really that whole thing was silly.

He didn't mean it to be racist(And that is what matters anyway) and you didn't find it offensive...Yet still it had to be changed because of some stupid political reason.

Just shows how messed up Political Correctness is.
lol chill! i was just pointing out that someone else could take offence to the term and anyway i never asked for it to be changed, i couldn't care less m8. sorry you got rattled.
I wasn't rattled...Ah, typing how it falls down in this instance. If i were speaking my tone of voice would have been rather jovial. I wasn't having a go at you but you have to admit the whole thing was quite silly.
Rayman your clearly not getting stupid but rather more observent :p.
Anyhoo : Lack of sleep, heat, stress, lack of challenge to the brain, insanity. Try headbutting a wall for 5 minutes that should kick start you lazy brain!
Uh...Is this something you put into practice often Fat Tony? It would explain a few things :P
Wouldnt strat. games also help? They can definetely challenge the mind so there goes one way to keep yourself sharp.
Yeah but i think the problem is that hes focusing on one type of mental stimulation too much...i.e games :)
The same is happening to me. I used to be good at maths, but we started using calculators in class and now I'm crap at it. In fact, I just had to use a calculator to divide 1000 by 20 :(

I don't play many games other than HLDM, but still I've noticed that I react a lot faster to things (eg. If I knock something over I can catch it before I realised I've knocked it o_0 ), and I'm more observant than I used to me. It's useful

I stopped reading books for a while, and my english grade went waaay down. I went from a predicted A* to predicted C in a matter of months. Now I've started reading again (I get through a book every 3 days or so), and I'm doing a lot better. I guess it's just a matter of keeping your brain in shape
i dont know 1000 times 20... i am tired at the moment, but my first thought was "isnt it 500?".... really, i need help.
"for the past couple of years i just havent been funny and i don't know the answer to everyones pointless questions (Most of the time i would just make it up because its "common" sense)." <<< hear hear!
Ive been the same and im doing my exams right now, i cant think for anything. i dont have a crush atm tho, i dont think its that. Most of the time im really quiet, i used to be loud and funny. now i sux :) .... i think its these forums.
oldagerocker said:
i dont know 1000 times 20... i am tired at the moment, but my first thought was "isnt it 500?".... really, i need help.
"for the past couple of years i just havent been funny and i don't know the answer to everyones pointless questions (Most of the time i would just make it up because its "common" sense)." <<< hear hear!
Ive been the same and im doing my exams right now, i cant think for anything. i dont have a crush atm tho, i dont think its that. Most of the time im really quiet, i used to be loud and funny. now i sux :) .... i think its these forums.

You thought 1000 times 20 was 500? You do need help! :P

Gah, ever since I've started using the internet a lot my communication skills have gone way down. When I talk to people in real life I tend to get tounge twisted and muddle words up. It makes sense in my head, but I can't put what I want to say into a comprehensible sentance. I'm fine when talking to large groups and people I don't know, it just happens with friends and family. Which is odd.
i can never talk in large groups, with single ppl im fine aslong as i have something to talk about, on msn and in written form such as the forums, i find it a thousand times easier to say what i want to say. I did used to be quite chatty in the past, but maybe its been my maturity thats changed me, i dont say stupid things anymore. Balls licking goody-bags.
i know the problem. you all know nothing. ray most obviously suffers from


hahahha old joke... sorry, but i still laugh about that.