I am rather glad to be back.


Feb 24, 2006
Reaction score
In a time before time, there was a child who totally pissed off everyone in the discussion forum on the topic of Iran. Because of that, he left and didn't come back until today, right now. I really, really was an ass the hour before I left. I do apologize, and I will hopefully be seen as a better person.

I will give out no personal information, but I will tell you that my name is Jesus Christ, and I am here to judge you. Helloz plz.
Welcome... i made a thread like this once
Who the **** are you?

Someone's been watching 'Snatch' hehe.

Wouldnt worry about your previous 'actions', people will either have forgotten about it or its all water under the bridge. Hell, i started many a flaming (or recieved a flaming more to the point) with my views on 9/11 and Iraq etc when i was Pureball.

If people take you too seriously, should that really be your problem though???

Anywho, welcome back!