I am so ****ing happy!!!


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Yes! This needed a new thread... :bounce: :bounce:

I just received my latest PCGamer with Half-Life 2 reviewed in it!

I've finally got it in my hands!!

I am so happy right now!
I have been waiting so long...the wait is finally over! :bounce: :bounce: :)

Thanks to my friend bittorent I got my 'cyber' copy a few days ago. But congrats to you just the same heh.
It's a bit rough when subscribers are the last people to see the review.
If you're this excited about getting a magazine that contains a review of HL2... you're going to need medical assistance when HL2 actually comes out.
Anyone know when it'll show up in newstands? I'd like to pick up a copy as a keepsake
There are some really sweet screenshots that aren't in the review though, so people who have the mag still are luckier. :)

There is a picture of a box of rockets on a bridge. There is also a picture of a headcrab about 2 feet away from Gordon's head and finally there is a picture of Gregori on some sort of industrial deck over a couple of flaming zombies that look like they are right out of Doom 3.
Wow, I don't want to be near you when HL2 finally comes out! You're going to flip out...! ;)
I swear the day Half-Life 2 is released I am taking off school and playing it all day... I don't care... I'm doin it hahaha... I spazzed when the preorders came out
I went nuts when I found out HL2 preorders were going to be available.

All I saw in the announcement was "Half-Life 2 Steam Offers Ready"
Missed the Thursday part.
So I instantly flew out of my chair and ran for my mom who carries the credit card. After a second of demanding I grabbed the card and ran back, fired up steam....and nothing.

Looked back at the announcement and finally saw the "thursday" part.
Oh how my heart sank :p
Yeah I got mine a couple days ago. I didn't read it i'm too lazy and I didn't want to read spoilers. I just looked at the screens. :)
Me too. I just got it today. I got home from school and saw it popping out of mailbox. I jumped up and down, screamed "w00t", took it out, ran inside, and made sweet sweet love to it.
i got mine a week after a friend of mine, who lives less then 6 miles away from me.

doh. I'm going to be waiting a while. Too bad Iowa isn't closer to wherever the printing press is.
Over at the EB games nearby they are throwing a Halo 2 party the night before it comes out untill 12, where they will release it. I wanna be there so much. Anywho, maybe there will be a hype for HL2 like it, send up our own Lan party right in the middle of the store... sounds good enough to me.
i hope hl2 is released on a friday ... god that would rule so much ... i wish i had a friend that liked hl2 as much as me ... so then we could party w00t
After reading the PCGamer(US) review I'm more excited than ever about the game. I'm excited like I was for Zelda:OoT, and that's big for me, people (I'm a rabid Zelda fan as well).

Saying it is "arguably the best game ever made" capped it off for me. I mean, that's a mouthfull for a professional game reviewer.
I felt the same way when I got my first edition of Crackwhore magazine.
MrMetroid said:
I felt the same way when I got my first edition of Crackwhore magazine.

Great magazine. I think I need to renew my subscription soon.
wtfmates said:
Great magazine. I think I need to renew my subscription soon.

I stopped reading that when they started to use dirty, anirexic models instead of actual crackwhores :frown:

I haven't got the new PC G yet, is it on the newstand already?
Newton said:
I stopped reading that when they started to use dirty, anirexic models instead of actual crackwhores :frown:

I haven't got the new PC G yet, is it on the newstand already?

Yeah, that pissed me off a bit, but I've learned to live with it.
Wasn't there a PCG a few months back where they reviewed the game? Or was that a hands on?
MrMetroid said:
I felt the same way when I got my first edition of Crackwhore magazine.

I think its time for you to be banned. I've yet to see you make any positive/logical statement in any thread I have come across that you have posted in. You are getting annoying quite quickly.
MrMetroid said:
Well thank you for your positive and logical reply Mr. Smartypants.

The purpose of my post was most definitely logical and positive to everyone except YOU.
I don't think you know who you're talking to. I beat Super Metroid in under an hour and a half when you were still in diapers.
MrMetroid said:
I don't think you know who you're talking to. I beat Super Metroid in under an hour and a half when you were still in diapers.
Big deal. I bet you think you're the best in the world for that. You're wrong. Maddox is.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
BetaMaster said:
Big deal. I bet you think you're the best in the world for that. You're wrong. Maddox is.
Yeah, that's what I thought.

Hell ya, Maddox is my hero. :LOL:

By the way MrMetroid, I know that statement about you beating Super Metroid is rediculously stupid (you don't have to tell me) and I can prove the lack of validity and your lack of intelligence in 2 easy steps. :rolling:

1.) By your statement that you beat Super Metroid in that time when I was still in diapers implies that you must be much older in than me, at least 32 years old. I only hope that you aren't this old. We don't need to bring up the "Fascination of HL2 Going gold thread now do we? :naughty:

2.)You tried to recreate the magic of Metroid II: Return of Samus in which you tried to see Samus in her bikini, again.
I don't need to try to see Samus in her bikini at all. When I turn on the game she immediately shows it to me, much like you eventually will.
MrMetroid said:
I don't think you know who you're talking to. I beat Super Metroid in under an hour and a half when you were still in diapers.
I bet the last time you ever saw a vagina was when you were in daipers.

Besides, how is that relevant to anything? I mean, if this was a Metroid discussion, that might have some weight, but COME ON. Also, nobody should measure their worth based on how and when they beat a video game. I really hope you don't play that little card in your everyday life.

"WHAT?! You won't let me in this night club?! Do you know who I am? I beat Super Metroid in an hour and a half when you were lunching on your mother's teat!"
Lucky for you I'm in a good mood. Normally you would of had an appointment with the Plasma Beam.
Mr Metroid, please tell me why you hate HL2 so much (From what I have read so far...)
I dunno why you all kept giving him the attention he wanted. Thankfully he's banned now...