I am SO TOTALLY looking forward to HL2


Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
Sure I used to be a DooM III addict especially after they released their E3 2003 video, but now I can't get my mind off HL2 even with Max Payne 2 dragging nearer. :eek:

And I've been thinking... shall I make an HL2 website? My design skills are demonstrated in the link on my signature. :)
i feal as though if I don't get to play HL2 on Sep 30th, im going to explode.
I live near Valve, so I'll probably go explode their offices.
yeah, with max payne 2 coming out oct 15 (i think), they are very close, not to mention Halo late this month (rite?), but most of all, HL2 will kick ass, and I'll be sad if it were delayed, but I have my faith in them
You should be a one man protest spitcodfry if it isn't release 9/30. Just you, alone, with a picket and sign.....protest it man...
Originally posted by PSX
yeah, with max payne 2 coming out oct 15 (i think), they are very close, not to mention Halo late this month (rite?), but most of all, HL2 will kick ass, and I'll be sad if it were delayed, but I have my faith in them

I was totally confident in them until the Steam 1.0 fiasco occurred...hope that doesn't impede the game from shipping on time.
Originally posted by Goombatommy
You should be a one man protest spitcodfry if it isn't release 9/30. Just you, alone, with a picket and sign.....protest it man...

That would be cool and all, but I don't think anyone at Valve would really give a shit. They probably wouldn't even bother to call security...maybe they'd have some fun and toss things out the window at me while I trot back and forth with my sign.

EDIT: My sign would read: "HL2 delayed...the end is nigh!"
Originally posted by spitcodfry
I live near Valve, so I'll probably go explode their offices.

just do some uber splinter cell skills and "free" a copy ;)

and to put a spin on it, dress up like a female asasian from the first game, so if a valve empolye see's you he will be like "HOLY Butz sexorz?" and then you can tell him to get you a copy.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
I was totally confident in them until the Steam 1.0 fiasco occurred...hope that doesn't impede the game from shipping on time.
man, I sure hope Steam will not hinder HL2's release, even if I'll be buying it in a store; btw, didn't Valve "downgrade" their servers not too long ago from 2000+mbits to 950 ?
Originally posted by shapeshifter
just do some uber splinter cell skills and "free" a copy ;)

If I wasn't a lethargic lard ass with absolutely NO dexterity I might have considered that. You'd need to butter me up pretty good with crisco to get me through those ventilation ducts.
Originally posted by shapeshifter
then revert to plan B female assian mode lol.

LOL...maybe I could intercept Gabe on the way to his car after work one day.

"Me love you long time."
Originally posted by spitcodfry
LOL...maybe I could intercept Gabe on the way to his car after work one day.

"Me love you long time."

LOL opps spelling mistake, buy you could try that to.
Or just go to te offices, introduce yourself. Explain your a fan and are a part of the Halflife2.net forums, and would like to know whats up.

I have a feeling you'd get somewhere.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
LOL...maybe I could intercept Gabe on the way to his car after work one day.

"Me love you long time."
"hellppp, damn prostitutes are after me again! call in the chopper!"
Originally posted by spitcodfry
LOL...maybe I could intercept Gabe on the way to his car after work one day.

"Me love you long time."

"10 dollah monthly subscription!"
"2 dollars fifty each, five dollars boku!"
"10 dollah boku!"
"Uh, can I send the money in an envelope?"

Paraphrased to xen and back but you get the idea ;)
Originally posted by TheSmJ
Or just go to te offices, introduce yourself. Explain your a fan and are a part of the Halflife2.net forums, and would like to know whats up.

I have a feeling you'd get somewhere.

That ain't a bad idea, actually. Worst they do is release the headcrabs.
How the **** did my thread end up as a spitcodfry discussion? lol!!! :) :D
Originally posted by Yatta
How the **** did my thread end up as a spitcodfry discussion? lol!!! :) :D

Sorry...maybe I could get a copy for you too? Double boku!
Why don't you just go over their and ask tomorrow lol. Just walk in and be like...

"Ok bitches, listen up...." , and start from there with that. That'll get their attention ;)
Originally posted by spitcodfry
That ain't a bad idea, actually. Worst they do is release the headcrabs.

Then you can catch one! and name him mr pinchy! and make a muzle for him and take him for walks in the park with your headcrab helmet on, and you release his muzle and let him have some fun with no fear.
Originally posted by BloodyL
"10 dollah monthly subscription!"
"2 dollars fifty each, five dollars boku!"
"10 dollah boku!"
"Uh, can I send the money in an envelope?"

"Does that include Multiplayer or is it the Singleplayer only SKU? Will I have to pay for MODS?"
Originally posted by Goombatommy
Why don't you just go over their and ask tomorrow lol. Just walk in and be like...

"Ok bitches, listen up...." , and start from there with that. That'll get their attention ;)

"When the sam hell is this game comin' out?" (while holding a winchester rifle)
Originally posted by shapeshifter
Then you can catch one! and name him mr pinchy! and make a muzle for him and take him for walks in the park with your headcrab helmet on, and you release his muzle and let him have some fun with no fear.

I want to take him to class for show and rampage
Originally posted by spitcodfry
That ain't a bad idea, actually. Worst they do is release the headcrabs.

"Smithers!, release the headcrabs"
"Sir, we've run out of headcrabs, those pesky guys in orange suits keep killing them with crowbars"
"Then release the hounds."
"The headcrabs killed the hounds sir."
"Release something then consarn it!"
"Yes sir, I'll go and release HL2."
"Whoah, things aren't that bad yet, I tell you what get that overweight lallygagger from sector 7G in here."
"You mean Homer Simpson sir?"
"Probably....Smithers, Release Homer Simpson."
"Actually sir, I think releasing HL2 would be a better idea."
"Do you want me to hit you over the head again smithers?, you know how that went."
"No sir, I still hear every bone in your arm break in my sleep sir."
"Then release Homer Simpson."
"Yes sir."

* Fox Newsflash - HL2 has been delayed till Feb 2004. *

lol, I'm on a roll tonight.
Actually, asking them tommrow might be a good idea. Could ask them about the game going gold, all the whens and wheres.

I'd do us all a lotta good!
Originally posted by TheSmJ
Actually, asking them tommrow might be a good idea. Could ask them about the game going gold, all the whens and wheres.

I'd do us all a lotta good!

I gotta do this all fancy-like. Put on a suit and tie, get a briefcase, and walk in there like I own the place.

"I'm here to deliver a cepina to Mr. Newell from the NVIDIA corporation."

That should get me in to talk to him, don't you think?
Originally posted by spitcodfry
I gotta do this all fancy-like. Put on a suit and tie, get a briefcase, and walk in there like I own the place.

"I'm here to deliver a cepina to Mr. Newell from the NVIDIA corporation."

That should get me in to talk to him, don't you think?

dress up like the g-man, get your briefcase with the lamda symbol on it lol.
Originally posted by shapeshifter
dress up like the g-man, get your briefcase with the lamda symbol on it lol.

If I did that even the janitor there would laugh his ass off at me
Don't forget to say "(Nasdaq: NVDA)" too, that'll really show them you're in the biz.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
If I did that even the janitor there would laugh his ass off at me

then make a barney security guard outfit, really snazy like (if you made it really, and I mean really look like the one from the game with everything helmet, vest, pants, shirt, fake gun) Im sure you could get in, hell gabe would want to see you so he could get his picture taken with you.

but if you do the lawyer thing make yourself look like the g-man, and talk with that snake hissss to.
No, I mean seriously go down there. Be totally honest with them. I'm sure they'd be happy to answer a fan's questions, specially if he went to the trouble of coming down to their office in person.

Hell, I'd do it myself if I didd\'nt live a couple thousand miles away.
"My employers have a few questions for you, Missssster Newell..."
Bring a camera to! I swear they would let you in, just for a laugh and because they know the community would love them for it:)