I Am Such A N000000000B!!! Help Me Please!!!



Hiya guys

Right I'm HL2 obsessed and i really want to get into skinning and modding and making maps. But i don't have a clue. I don't even know where to start ;(

Could anyone please maybe post me some links to some tutorials or decent sites that would help me get some basic background knowledge? preferably specific to HL2 but i suppose i would need to know about it in general first?

God i don't even know the write lingo to use, lmao, skins are basically bmps or jpgs or whatever that pasted onto the models of the characters?


Any help wud be much appreciated :)

thanx! :p :)
First of all start the SDK and click "Help" and you can find some information on the official site including making your first map.

Secondly this is a good resource for tutorials and stuff...

************* has some good tutorials also.
Funky Munky said:
First of all start the SDK and click "Help" and you can find some information on the official site including making your first map.

Secondly this is a good resource for tutorials and stuff...

************* has some good tutorials also.

Wots SDK? that's how shit i am :eek:
(SDK) its just short for Software Development Kit, basically to use the Hammer for making maps or using any game editing material goto the bottom of your steam games list, at the bottom it says, Source SDK, double click to download it if you already hav'nt, the 'Hammer' is the map maker/editor, if you want to learn howto use it all, there is documentation on the Source SDK list. most importantly bare patience in mind when you start, have fun.

I will read and learn. Thanx guys! I take it's quite complicated though? I have no experience with this sort of thing AT ALL!!!

But i'll give it a try. :sniper:
narc said:

I will read and learn. Thanx guys! I take it's quite complicated though? I have no experience with this sort of thing AT ALL!!!

But i'll give it a try. :sniper:

It might look over complicated at first, but once it click, its quite easy and straightforward in hammer.

Believe me, i knew squat about mapping and a month later, there is is, a fun, not too bad looking, little map.

the sdk documentation is pretty good.

Good tutorial place

just wanted to say that it's great to see, how people like to help others in this forum. i know of quite a lot of forums where "n00bs" would have been bashed for asking such basic questions. but not here. that's just awesome! great guys! :D