i am the only one who understands

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I am the only one who understand the whole HL2 story thats why mod locked my thread. i know gman is not from the earth and that gordon is in his real timeline so gman is coming from another dimension/time/space whatever to gordon timeline to make all the difference in the world for gordon, now that means gman is doing that because he wants to help gordon because he is himself the right man. So they both need eachother , gordon needs gman because gman is the right man and gman needs gordon because gordon is the other right man in the wrong place. you jsut dont understand me but it s all clear to me now
Smoke less pot...

That is the only thing I have to say to this awfull post...
gASK said:
Smoke less pot...

That is the only thing I have to say to this awfull post...
I wish people would stop blaming this kind of thing on pot... I know lots of intelligent people who smoke it and don’t go around posting crap like this on forums. It’s not the pot - it’s the idiot. That’s like saying you beat your wife because you were drunk… No. You were an *sshole first and foremost. :thumbs:
Is This Tea said:
I wish people would stop blaming this kind of thing on pot... I know lots of intelligent people who smoke it and don’t go around posting crap like this on forums. It’s not the pot - it’s the idiot. That’s like saying you beat your wife because you were drunk… No. You were an *sshole first and foremost. :thumbs:

While I imagine that Iambetter may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, I have a sneaky suspicion that he HAS been murdering a few billion brain cells with the ole ganja.
alcoholic drinks could be a major culprit too. :cheers:
Well, I take back what I said....I had a more punch lines to say and that would offend another pot-useres:) I know a lot of them so I know It doesn't have to have bad influence on you...

Maybe I should have said: Grow up... or Don't drink whatever you did drink yesterday... or Whatever...

But who cares? Iambetter will never learn. So I will just relax and move along:)))
duuude, and what if the gman is more like an ancient goverment from another planet that found interest in gordon because like, *puff* he's gay and wants him as his sex slave. And gordon, not knowing *puff* what the hell he is doing at all is just some sort of mental guy from all those radiation and microwaves scrambling up his head and he just decided to go postal on everyone in the black mesa facility. *puff* but then, the gman made arrangements with a pimp during the start of hl1 to get some good buttsex and gordon, *puff* who was walking down the hall seen the gman talk to a pimp. And, of course, gordon being upset because he thinks the gman loves him. Got jealous and started really having a bad day so, *puff* that very day while he is in the test chamber, he is getting upset thinking about his lover and then notices all the testosterone in the facility waiting for him to do this experiment. So he decides...f*ck it, so he screws the entire project up which, in turn, *puff* makes the cascade happen and a whole bunch of freaky sh*t to go down. Then later the gman catches gordon after killing this giant baby and says that he is sorry for cheating on him and wants to take him back. So gordon agrees and *puff* hence we get hl2. Later gordon is reawakened and taking his medication and everything is fine and dandy and he becomes "close" friends with alyx. Not knowing that Alyx is really the bastard child of the gman when the pimp of the first game sold over eli's wife to him in exchange for the world to end. Then, *puff* the gman makes a couple phone calls, sends a few text messages on his cellphone since, by that time, cingular wireless has it's services all across the galaxy. Looks at a couple emails about lowering his mortgage rates and !POW! there ya go...
instant world domination.
soon after gordon spots the gman flirting with the leader of the resistance camp through a combine telescope and !BOOM!...
He goes postal again.
Dude, like, I totally know what you mean.
Iambetter said:
I am the only one who understand the whole HL2 story thats why mod locked my thread. i know gman is not from the earth and that gordon is in his real timeline so gman is coming from another dimension/time/space whatever to gordon timeline to make all the difference in the world for gordon, now that means gman is doing that because he wants to help gordon because he is himself the right man. So they both need eachother , gordon needs gman because gman is the right man and gman needs gordon because gordon is the other right man in the wrong place. you jsut dont understand me but it s all clear to me now
No I'm gonna guess your thread was locked more due to your attitude rather than what you did or didn't speculate on.

Locked the pot discussion
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