i am very depressed right now ....


Jan 7, 2006
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my grandpa had a stroke today, he is in a coma, he cant, move , hear talk, i am really upset, i love my grandpa, i cant imagina life without him. :( he doesnt have a good chace of living either. even if he does pull through. he'll be a vegstable. : ( ... i'll miss him
I'm really sorry to hear that. But just remember that no matter what happens, you'll pull through, k?

I'm really no good at this....
When the people you love are alive, you take them for granted... When something like this happens you really recognise how deep your feelings are towards them.
I feel sorry man, I cant Imagine ever being in your situation...
many people recover from strokes (my dad did) ..through rehabilitation many can live a normal life. Dont write him off just yet, usually the first 48 hours are the worst of it
Thats harsh mate :( a few people in my family have suffered from strokes in the past, hope it all comes out well and he's better soon.

short recoil said:
Go do some weights.

I never saw either of my grandads.

lol, nice and subtle SR :p
I'm really sorry to hear that mate, and I can really understand you, my father died from a heartattack in March, anyway, as Skaadi said, just make sure you pull through and if he doesn't manage to pull through, life moves on, believe me, you just have to never stop "struggling"!
And remember, every hard and bad experience(IMO) makes you a stronger person and gives you more life experience that helps you evolve as a person..
CrazyJeepDriver said:
When the people you love are alive, you take them for granted... When something like this happens you really recognise how deep your feelings are towards them.
I feel sorry man, I cant Imagine ever being in your situation...
That's so true.

I've lost my grandfather a couple of months ago, and there is still an empty gap inside of me. I guess it will never fully heal, but you have to move on with your life.

I'm sure your grandfather wouldn't want you to stay inside all day, and lock yourself out of the world.
I feel for you. My mom had a stroke when she had her brain surgery in Pheonix. When she first came home, she had a hard time talking and would have a lot of seizures. But now, almost 6 years later, she is doing much better. She still stumbles over a few words (she used to be a theatre actres, so she could talk up a storm) and occasionally has a small seizure, but they're nothing compared to earlier. It'll be a difficult change, but at least you still have him for now.
Lost my grandma like that :( I know how it feels. You'll pull out and be better for it in the end :) This is an opportunity to grow stronger.
hang in there buddy, things will work out one way or another.
Hey, atleast you have a grandpa, I never had any. One of them is still alive too, I've never even seen him (he is supposedly a mean drunken guy, so I'm not supposed to see him.)
If he is alive, that means you have one. You've just never met him.

-Angry Lawyer
yea.... but it's not the same...

For example, say your mom is a single parent at birth, you've never met your dad, you have a "biological father" but not a "dad", you see what I mean?
My grandma had a stroke about a year or two ago. It's quite horrifying. She used to be in good shape, quite good for conversation, and when I was little, she was really responsible for teaching me a lot, and shaping who I am. Unfortunately, the stroke cut out her speech and writing almost completely, and messed up her face. She seems to have aged about twenty years, and, while her mind is supposedly still just a bout the same underneath, you can barely tell she's there, as she can't really communicate.

The worst bit is that this has replaced almost all my old memories of her, and I can hardly remember at all how it was to talk and walk with her. My memories have been completely sullied.
sorry to hear all this.

my best friend's mother died this morning.
Ennui said:
sorry to hear all this.

my best friend's mother died this morning.
Ah damn...just remember to be cheerful and positive..

-Angry Lawyer
My grandmas the only one left. She is deteriorating. She may only be around a few more years. But who knows, she may have a long healthy life left. Shes like 85 or something.
my grandfather...passed away..last night.. i was holding his hand... i cant stop crying... he was very close me . i'll miss him... forever...but i think this willl make me a stronger person, as some of you mentioned
I had an uncle and a grandma pass away not to long ago either. But I know I will see them again someday..it's what keeps me going. That's what I believe.
Sorry to hear this highlander. :( I know how it feels like...

All the best...
highlander said:
my grandfather...passed away..last night.. i was holding his hand... i cant stop crying... he was very close me . i'll miss him... forever...but i think this willl make me a stronger person, as some of you mentioned

Sorry to hear that mate :(
highlander said:
my grandfather...passed away..last night.. i was holding his hand... i cant stop crying... he was very close me . i'll miss him... forever...but i think this willl make me a stronger person, as some of you mentioned
I'm real sorry to hear that mate, but just remember to keep on fighting and make sure you live a good life, I'm pretty sure that's what your grandfather would have wanted!
Anyway, my condolences.
(: Noos retteb steg eh epoh I, rednalhgih, taht tuoba raeh ot yrros
The Monkey said:
(: Noos retteb steg eh epoh I, rednalhgih, taht tuoba raeh ot yrros
If you reads a few posts up, you'll notice him writing that his grandfather didn't make it... Also, what's the point of writing backwards?:x
Sorry to hear he didn't make it Highlander. I hope it was peaceful... Condolences...
I've got all four of my grandparents and they are all 90-98 years old. They are falling apart, losing their mind, loosing their capabilities, loosing their vision. Hell, they lost all of that a long time ago, forget loosing it. At this age, that is what happens.

I lost my Aunt when she was about 45. It's not fair to die before you time, but every single person has to die. I am very sorry to hear that you lost your grandfather, highlander. I know how it feels, I have lost friends and family over the years. With all four of my grandparents nearly 100 years old, I have a feeling that I'm going to have a very sad year where I lose them all. There is nothing anyone can do, so I will do nothing more than grieve hardcore for each and every one.

They are all such great people, and I still remember so much about them. I remember almost every gift they got me - good or bad, and the looks on their faces when they gave them to me. Is this why gift giving is so important? The gifts help you remember the people that gave them to you.

Hang in there Highlander. If life was easy, it would be boring. - Thats what my Uncle used to say. Be thankful and spend some time with some other family members and just get some rest.
highlander said:
my grandfather...passed away..last night.. i was holding his hand... i cant stop crying... he was very close me . i'll miss him... forever...but i think this willl make me a stronger person, as some of you mentioned

Hey man, I understand exactly what you are going through this moment. my grandmother just passed away today while I was at work. My parents wanted me to come home as soon as I was off. They told me what happened, and I cried for quite a while.
It's definately hard to handle at first, but she's no longer suffering anymore. She had a bad case of Alzheimers (SP) and slowly degraded day by day. It was tearing my mother apart inside, so I think this is going to be a huge stress reliever in the end.

I can only hope that you make it through this coming out OK in the end. Don't be afraid to talk to whoever you need to.
Hey np, we're all a biiiig family here on HalfLife2.net!!<3
And as said, I can totally identify with you seeing as I recently lost my father at the age of 55, I mean, no matter when they die imo, it's awful..
However, if I were you, I'd be happy he did not die in any accident etc, I was happy knowing my dad died the way he wanted to, in the arms of my mom(He had the attack right before she came to visit him) in his own home.
I think your grandfather was(is, I believe in some form of soul etc left over after death) very happy that he got to die with you by his side.:)
I'm hoping you find a nice priest to do the burial ceremony and all your other family members(Such as your mom/pa'/whoever's the son to yer grandfather) pull through alright also, just remember, it become easy the first few days, but then it does go up and down because it starts to sink in more in the next coming weeks, just make sure you CAN cry, because it's very important to let those feelings out because if you repress'em and keep'em inside you, they can build up and end up doing ALOT of harm.
Yep, i remember when i lost my Grandads, it was hard at first, but then it did get a lot easier with family by my side, and that i knew wherever i was they'd be there looking after me :) well thats my view anyway, luckily i still have 1 grandad left (cba to explain why i had 3 lol) .. but i'm sure everything will be ok mate, as long as you keep your head high and have family by your side you'll pull through it just fine :)
That sucks I hope things get better, Ive been goin through alot of shit too as of late.