I bet you...

Half-Life 2 is being announced gold on monday.

  • Yes

    Votes: 151 70.6%
  • No

    Votes: 63 29.4%

  • Total voters


Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
i think they would announce gold on a business day.
Since we haven't something official from Vu g and valve we can just say that's pure speculation i voted no too
I voted yes. it's going to gold someday...why not monday?
The rumors are getting more and more frequent...but they are still rumors until proven otherwise, and we all known how many rumors there have been concerning HL2 in the last year. So, as for now, I'm gonna say no.

But as FoB_Ed said: it does HAVE to go Gold at some point and each day that passes surely gets us closer.
I'm not going to vote and simply say that the chances of it going gold on monday are the same as it going gold on any other day of the week after.

All I can say is that it is definitaly very close.
koncept said:
lmao! thats great...

Ahem.. I really don't know what to think regarding these rumors... I kind of have a second nature to ignore them, after seeing all these events HL2 was involved with.

But this one does seem a bit special. Now sounds like a good time for it to go gold. 'bout a month before release..

Let's hope for the best.
It's definetly possible...But I'm not even close to holding my breath.
It'll happen when it happens; and when it does, I'll be sending a gym invitation to Gabe, also with a small letter reading "I r asshole".
ill just keep assuming they will not announce it gold on any certain date, then that way ill always be right, and the one time i am wrong i wont have gotten my hopes up so ill be pleasantly surprised! try it out and stop making these ****ing threads.
koncept said:
i think they would announce gold on a business day.

Dear Koncept On "Little Boy ****ery,"

When Half-Life 2 goes gold will you agree to free your adolescent hostages? I promise not to tell the feds, honest!
Willy Wonka said:
Dear Koncept On "Little Boy ****ery,"

When Half-Life 2 goes gold will you agree to free your adolescent hostages? I promise not to tell the feds, honest!
I vote yes as thinking if we get enough, our wish will come true.. :(
Yes it will go gold monday. Dont try to ruin my optimism with your "logic" or your "facts". Its IS going gold monday.

. . . Remember, when it does go gold, we'll look back on this day and smile.
I am guessing it will go gold on Monday not because I want it to, but because of evidence. All this week there were signs that it was finished, and if the rumored events on Friday are true, it sounds like the only think left is to let us know,. something that will surely happen on a weekday. Sure, they may need time to prepare promotions before announcement,. but theres also a good chance that they're ready already.

Certainly a very good chance of gold on Monday. And I'd certainly love to see it happen in the face of the people who are saying this thread is lame.
Eon Blue said:
. . . Remember, when it does go gold, we'll look back on this day and smile.

Remember they still need to ship the game when we get gold :p
Yes it will go gold monday. Dont try to ruin my optimism with your "logic" or your "facts". Its IS going gold monday.
Ladies and gentlemen, the internet messiah!
my ****ing life is a joke. look what im doing. i should be banging my girlfriend or making money orat least sleeping right now for christs sake
