I bought a laser pointer


Dec 7, 2004
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and it's actually really cool. It's hard to tell but in the pictures, but the beam is pretty visible at night and the dot is clear even really far away.






Yea I didn't get to finish writing "HI" because the timer ran out on my camera.

From the spot where the camera is, I can see the dot on the buildings below the line:

and my laser is only 5mw they go up to like 300mw! As sad as it is I kinda want to buy a 35mw or 55mw one, just because the beam would be more visible. If you go above 100mw you can cut electrical tape, light matches, pop balloons, and things like that.
These things were banned in my school like 7 years ago. All the chavs were pointing them in each others eyes and putting them on the teachers butts.
I love lazer pointers. My dad used it when he taught in college to point at items on the board. I really want to get the more powerful ones, just so I can have some fun while I sit at home.
lazers are fun at hotels, you can shine them in other rooms that have their blinds open. One time this guy came to the window wearing a towel and you could see the chick on the bed behind him as he shut the blinds.
how the fudge can you write with it...
I've got one of those green ones ... I let my mate modify it (changed a resistor or two) and made it immensely bright ... It sups batteries in no time, but it's well worth it. So much fun to be had, drive-by lasering.
That's really awesome, but I don't like laser pointers. There's just too many idiots out there that think lasers aren't dangerous and shine them in people's eyes. I'd rather give a random idiot a machine gun rather than a laser pointer, because everyone knows guns are dangerous. Though yours is a really good one, so maybe people are more willing to accept the fact that they're dangerous.

The worst is the ones that are cost $5.00 and every kid in the World has them. People had them in Junior High and High School, and it drove me insane when they would shine them in my eye.

"It's not dangerous you idiot"

"Yea, so that pain I feel IN MY EYE after having that thing pointed at me is just magic, is it?
You can hack that to make it a 100mw or so laser pointer.
The laser pointer doesn't impress me one bit, but that view is freaking awesome. Is that view from your house?
My younger brother has a green laser, you can easily see the dot on things up to about a mile away.
Don't spell laser with a Z god damnit!


Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

For **** sake!!

*end grammar nazi mode*

Yeah lasers are cool.
lazers are fun at hotels, you can shine them in other rooms that have their blinds open. One time this guy came to the window wearing a towel and you could see the chick on the bed behind him as he shut the blinds.

One time my remote worked for the tv in the room on the other side of the wall. At first I was really pissed off because I had to turn on my tv by hand, but it proved entertaining as the night wore on...
One time my remote worked for the tv in the room on the other side of the wall. At first I was really pissed off because I had to turn on my tv by hand, but it proved entertaining as the night wore on...

That would make the most boring of nights the best ever.

The amount of fun to be had with that is just...limitless.

The laser pointer doesn't impress me one bit, but that view is freaking awesome. Is that view from your house?

My house is on top of that hill unfortunately we are behind a row of houses so rather than looking out over the city, our back porch looks out onto the other side of the mountain.

Those beige houses didn't used to be there and our street put up a hell of fight to keep them from being built (they still aren't finished) but the fact is they were selling for a million a piece and the city let them build them.

Front of the mountain:

Side of the mountain: (the big highway you see in the above picture is the highway pictured in this one)