I can't ext steam after i play HL2! Is it gameoverlayui.exe?


Jan 18, 2009
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Hi All
This is must first post on this forum so please treat me gently . . .

Can anyone help me solve this problem? Or if this has already been covered elsewhere point me to where i can find an answer?

After I play Half-Life 2 and try to exit, steam comes up with a box that says one or more steam applications are currently running, to exit steam you must first close all steam applications. I'am not running any other steam related programs that Iam aware of; but on the task manager i noticed a process called GameOverlayUI.exe is still running. Whats going on and how can i fix this?

Let me know if you need any info about my system/hardware ect...

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Are you sure it's closed? Sometimes it can take a while to fully close even though it appears to have closed.But you can always end Steam.exe and the GameOverlayUI.exe in taskmanger if Steam refuses to close.
I have waited several hours and it still does not fully close.

It annoys me having to manually force the application to close everytime i want to shut it down.

I had a go at HL2 deathmatch and now hl2.exe is still running on my system too - its driving me nuts; nuts i tell you! Im using Mcafee virus scan- usually any problems with my computer are caused by that somehow. but this one has me stumped!
Are you sure that no one else is also using your account at the same time?
Yes noone else is using my account

- i got this from the steam forums

Currently, this is an issue lots of users are having. If any of you would be so kind as to help Valve figure out the problem, please follow these instructions:

Originally Posted by dberger
In your steam folder there's an executable called WriteMiniDump.exe - if you have hl2 "stuck" please do this before you kill it:

writeminidump /type full [pid of hl2.exe] [output path]

you can find the pid of hl2.exe by either using task manager, and enabling that column in the display, or by using tasklist:

tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq hl2.exe"

output path can be any local path on disk that you can write to.

zip up the resulting file and send it to me - dberger at valvesoftware dot com.
