I decided to start writing Beat Poetry (after listening to A LOT of Shane Koyczan)

Jan 27, 2006
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You always ask, “Who killed the nice guys?”
You did.
Running to them when you’ve lived your life and lost your love.
This is a salute to the men and to the boys who just sat there, never leaving your side and abiding to the underlooked law of what you had to say.
They just sat there, listening.
The Nice Guys just sit there, listening.
Never asking anything in return,
Taking your problems, and spewing out diamonds.
Your words of sadness twisted to make you feel better,
And all you do is cry on their shoulder, saying to your friends, “They’re too nice to date,” or “He’s not my type.”
But their shoulders eventually will dry up from all of your tears, and because you never applied any of your moisturising love. You’ll wonder where they went, and you’ll never realize that, when you were young, and when they were young, you always went for the men who had nice cars, nice hair, didn’t care for you, or were the captain of the football team.
When you grow up,
When you start looking,
You’ll say, “Who killed the nice guys?”
You did.
You with your shallow looks, your shallow money, and your shallow tans. The Nice Guys didn’t care about that. They saw you within, they saw your most vulnerable self.
But now they’re gone.
They ran away from you, and turned into the very people you sought to never see again. Your eyes, your heart and your mind are tired of the guys who cheat on you “just to be cool”. The Nice Guys thought that’s what women want, so they changed themselves. They bought new shoes, they bought hoods, and they bought new clothes.
They ran from themselves.
They ran from you.

What do you guys think? I just hammered it out a few minutes ago.
Not at all, no. I'm just writing what came to mind. My god you people are critical.
EDIT: if all you're going to do is mock it, just delete the thread KA.
What do you guys think? I just hammered it out a few minutes ago.
Yeah see, this is why people deride modern poetry. Because people with no real experience, knowledge, or practice see freeform poetry as easy and lacking refinement, therefore something they can just pick up on the fly and do in a minute. It isn't. It's made to look that way. Good poets practice for years. Good poets read every kind of poetry they can get their hands on, not just one style and form. If you absolutely must emulate the beat poets, don't. Read who they emulated: Walt Whitman.

It's commendable that you're willing to try it, but you're going to receive much, much resistance. Especially if you don't practice, and it's pretty clear (and you admitted it) that you haven't. It's just like painting. If I just grabbed a brush and pallette, looked at Les Damoiselles d'Avignon, tried to do something similar, and then posted in the art forum, people would rip me apart.
'Nice guys' aren't nice, they are cowards inside. At least the kind you are referring too.
this is one of those things that you write and then find a month later and feel like a tool
Don't feel bad man. I'm kind of an asshole but don't really get that many girls.
Yeah see, this is why people deride modern poetry. Because people with no real experience, knowledge, or practice see freeform poetry as easy and lacking refinement, therefore something they can just pick up on the fly and do in a minute. It isn't. It's made to look that way. Good poets practice for years. Good poets read every kind of poetry they can get their hands on, not just one style and form. If you absolutely must emulate the beat poets, don't. Read who they emulated: Walt Whitman.

It's commendable that you're willing to try it, but you're going to receive much, much resistance. Especially if you don't practice, and it's pretty clear (and you admitted it) that you haven't. It's just like painting. If I just grabbed a brush and pallette, looked at Les Damoiselles d'Avignon, tried to do something similar, and then posted in the art forum, people would rip me apart.

It was just something that came to mind, and I am practicing and reading a lot of poetry now, that was just the first thing I wrote.