I don't understand? *spoiler*

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Oct 17, 2007
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I don't understand?

You know what, it's time for a something I haven't done in a long time...(THIS IS A JOKE, PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT)

It's time for:


He could save the world, but he couldn't save Eli!

Actually I don't have a problem with this man, in-fact, I love him, and I love the game.
But holy shit, when Eli got his spine redecorated by a gigantic tongue, Gordon was just sitting there in the air, doing nothing...

This bugs me a lot...(don't take this thread to serious, I wanted to write something...)

USELESS GORDON FREEMAN INFO (these are actually true, even though it looks like total bullshit, Google it) (if polaris didn't notice, I AM BEING IRONIC!!)

* Gordon's' name was originally "Ivan the space-trucker"

* Ivan the space-trucker was a military guy with a giant beard and a big ass weapon

* The game was first called Quiver, and was about a soldier named Ivan who had to stop a bunch of aliens from coming out from a military base named Arrowhead

* Gordon freeman has glasses, thous making him the full of awesomeness

* Polaris it a **** head, and his mother probably dropped him at birth, unlike Gor- Ivan the space trucker, who has a PHD and mother ****ing glasses. Polaris, I SHIT ON YOU'RE COMMENT!!!

Here's a bunch of links with info about Half life: (If you don't believe me)

-http://Google.com- good for googling' random crap about Gordon

-http://halflife2.net- good for asking stupid questions, without using the search button. You won't survive for long...

I will update, that I swear...
Possibly because he couldn't move? That might have hindered him :hmph:
But what if there is no dark side, and the only side that is left is the pussy ass one where Gordon doesn't save Eli. I loved that man, man. It's unfair, he was such a great father :(
He was paralyzed by Advisor's powers.

Your "USELESS GORDON FREEMAN INFO" is really useless. Everyone know that and btw, Arrowhead was not name for military base, it was Mesa Diablo (one of names), Arrowhead is base from The Mist.

PS. What's with that stupid *Spoilers* ?
He was paralyzed by Advisor's powers.

Your "USELESS GORDON FREEMAN INFO" is really useless. Everyone know that and btw, Arrowhead was not name for military base, it was Mesa Diablo (one of names), Arrowhead is base from The Mist.

PS. What's with that stupid *Spoilers* ?

First of all Mr smart guy, If you read the the frikking thread you would have understood that I wasn't serious when I wrote it...all those "Google it" thing's aren't either serious.

So take you head out of you ass and start reading shit.

AND...my useless Gordon freeman info is, as I wrote in capital letters, is USELESS. I know this is known and it's not new- that why I wrote it-
BTW, I wrote useless info and thosenot mean that you need to correct it, **** you and your mesa diablo shit. It's arrowhead!!!!!!!
It's 'Space Biker' and this thread will die of retardation poisoning.
pics or stfu? I have a reliable source, you don't!
pics or stfu? I have a reliable source, you don't!
I'd like to see YOUR 'reliable source'. I'm not photographing the copy of Raising the Bar laying open in front of me on page 30 to prove you wrong.

Unless you want pictures of retardation, in which case I'm not un-PC enough to google image-search and recommend you stand in front of a reflective object instead.
(if polaris didn't notice, I AM BEING IRONIC!!)
Where did you learn Irony, the Alanis Morissette academy of not quite understanding Irony but knowing that it's a smart word at least?

Professor Emporius to the rescue:

1. the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, ?How nice!? when I said I had to work all weekend.
2. Literature.
a. a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.
b. (esp. in contemporary writing) a manner of organizing a work so as to give full expression to contradictory or complementary impulses, attitudes, etc., esp. as a means of indicating detachment from a subject, theme, or emotion.

1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.

1. a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment: Berkman is a moron for making such a lame thread.
2. Psychology. a person of borderline intelligence in a former classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50 to 69.
According to Valve's documentary book on the game, Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar, the name Gordon Freeman is in homage to Freeman Dyson. His original name also pays tribute to Jules Henri Poincar?. The book also reveals that the texture for Gordon's head was "too big for a job for just one person", so Valve designers combined references from four people. An earlier model of Gordon was known as "Ivan the Space Biker", with a full beard that was trimmed into the current goatee. The book also contains concept images depicting various iterations of Gordon's design.

We have a book, morons like you probably don't read books at all.
Many people learn to skim read as they grow older. By taking in the general structure of a sentence and they key words, they can then process them as they read the next sentence. There requires little conscious thought behind it. It is something that you pick up with experience.

Unfortunately I am somehow incapable of doing so with Berkman's posts. I'm not sure whether it's incomprehensibility, some kind of state of anti-logic that he's in, or the general stupidity his posts emit, but it triggers some kind of innate primitive hatred towards mankind.

I'd like to understand why the hell you created a thread about a subject which you then decide you don't agree with half way down your post? What were you intentions?
:upstare: Concur. If he felt like writing something, then he should have worked on his assignment or paperwork, etc...

Also, thread will be locked if a mod approaches
Isn't fun how a bunch of nerd who plays half life 2 in a daily basis, comes to me (I'm a nerd to) and starts talking about irony. The only thing ironic here is this.

If you want the source, here: http://gamereactor.se/artiklar/13795/V%E4rldens+s%E4msta+dag/?sid=d3c1e701cd0824ff9ccbb13963f10856

It was written by a man who works for the biggest gaming magazine in Scandinavia. Unless you understand and can read Swedish, it's useless for you. Btw this man has interviewed valve several times and talked to the man behind Half life personally...Maybe he's wrong, I don't know.
No but seriously, there was no reason for the Gordon picture. I'm sure you could have written something more interesting.

And don't try to disguise your mistakes by writing 'NO ITS A JOKE GUIS'. It's clearly just you trying to be a smartass.
Isn't fun how a bunch of nerd who plays half life 2 in a daily basis, comes to me (I'm a nerd to) and starts talking about irony. The only thing ironic here is this.

If you want the source, here: http://gamereactor.se/artiklar/13795/V%E4rldens+s%E4msta+dag/?sid=d3c1e701cd0824ff9ccbb13963f10856

It was written by a man who works for the biggest gaming magazine in Scandinavia. Unless you understand and can read Swedish, it's useless for you. Btw this man has interviewed valve several times and talked to the man behind Half life personally...Maybe he's wrong, I don't know.

You've ruined whatever chance you had on this forum. Leaving time?
I love people like Berkman. You don't even have to insult them, they shame themselves for you.

*kicks back*
Broader then Broadway...best..song...ever!!!

shalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalam,llllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! I'm broader then broadway!!!!

Because I am old and you are young. Extra spice, extra spice then spice-way(?) extra broad, extra broader then Broadway!
Emporious, I take issue with your first example of "irony". I don't think that "I had to work all weeked" "Oh how nice!" is ironic in the slightest... Surely that's just plain sarcasm?
I'd also argue that sarcasm isn't inherently as barbed as you make it out to be.

Captain Vocab...AWAY!
Broader then Broadway...best..song...ever!!!

shalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalam,llllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! I'm broader then broadway!!!!

Because I am old and you are young. Extra spice, extra spice then spice-way(?) extra broad, extra broader then Broadway!

stop posting in your retarded thread, you're even stupider than z0mbin3.
Ivan the Space Trucker has a Ph.D in KICKASS.
I administered a forum once where we banned idiot spammers/flamers/trolls/assholes like Berkman. They were better days...
I'm laughing my ass out here, hahahaha. This shit is great!
<object ><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/XMocRr5WjL4&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/XMocRr5WjL4&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" ></embed></object>
Looks like somebody got molested as a child... ^^cough* LACKINGSAINT!!!! Whoops, Did I say that loud?
Looks like somebody got molested as a child... ^^cough* LACKINGSAINT!!!! Whoops, Did I say that loud?

Oh hey are you talking about me? Gee, never would've guessed before you typed my name. Oh, and it's okay, you can just call me Saint, i'm not fussy.
Emporious, I take issue with your first example of "irony". I don't think that "I had to work all weeked" "Oh how nice!" is ironic in the slightest... Surely that's just plain sarcasm?
I'd also argue that sarcasm isn't inherently as barbed as you make it out to be.

Captain Vocab...AWAY!

Err, yeah, I was in a hurry and ripped it from dictionary.com :eek:


Now someone close this shit
Err, yeah, I was in a hurry and ripped it from dictionary.com :eek:


Now someone close this shit

Glad someone said it, there really is no point to this thread, as long as "spreading Berk's hateflames" doesn't count.
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