I dream of Half Life 2

Oct 6, 2004
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Anyone had dreams where you see yourself playing Half-Life 2?

I had one where I turned on my PC (well dream emulation of a PC) and lo and behold, Half-Life 2's on my screen. I was about to play it, when suddenly something evil happened:

I woke up. ;( ;(

Care to share?
yeah theres been like 1000 threads on this ... i've had one dream about it
i try not to... i wouldnt want any spoilers =\
he just wants to express his personal feelings
i hate when you have a dream where you get or have something really cool and never get the chance to use it
Lol, i had a funny one.

I don't like, think of HL2 all the time or nuffin but...

My PC needed upgrading for HL2 (in real life and the dream). And this guy foned me sed he'd upgrade it for free. So just as I'm leaving the factory that I'm randomly in all zombies come out to mar my progress to this guys house. Crow bar out. and away!

A dream in which to upgrade my PC for HL2 I had to battle thru HL2


Then I had a dirty one which had nuffin do with HL2 but was pretty kewl neway
silverstealth89 said:
wow i never knew HL2 can push a person to those extremes
Yeah, I've been obsessed with HL2 for about two or three years, especially the past year, and I've had several dreams about HL2 or HL.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it at all. After all, how many footie players dream of playing footie? How many army guys dream of.. erm... army stuff.

HL2 is a form of entertainment. and very gud entertainment at that.

But other dreams are better. Tho a HL2 one once in a while cud be gud. (please let no body be so sad as to say sumthing involving Alyx and dreams and HL2)

Random slightly off topic info:
Did you know that when you're dreaming, if you get the sensation of falling and DON'T wake up... you can die.

It's something to do with you unconcious mind being unable to regulate your heart properly and the sensation of falling is a rush of adrenaline to a) help it get back into beat and b) to wake you up so more of ur bodily systems (or summat) can kick it back into action.

I'm told this is all theoretical as nobody has ever died in their sleep then said: "it was the weirdest thing, it felt like I was falling."

Erm... yeah
burner69 said:
Random slightly off topic info:
Did you know that when you're dreaming, if you get the sensation of falling and DON'T wake up... you can die.

It's something to do with you unconcious mind being unable to regulate your heart properly and the sensation of falling is a rush of adrenaline to a) help it get back into beat and b) to wake you up so more of ur bodily systems (or summat) can kick it back into action.

I'm told this is all theoretical as nobody has ever died in their sleep then said: "it was the weirdest thing, it felt like I was falling."

Erm... yeah
holy crap i got to stop having those dreams

jk the world would be empty without me quote form eminem
I have not had a dream about HL2. But it seems like if i order something online that i really want and have to wait for it. I have a dream about playing with it. But every time it happens i feel sad that it is not real and then i feel even worse for dreaming about something that stupid.
I see nothing wrong with dreaming about games. I think it's cool.
i either have dirty dreams or no dream at all pretty much im dead for like 8 hours
has anyoen had it were your day dream then in your dream u fall over a stump or somethign only to have your legs flinch?
Dreams come from something you've been thinkiing about and the more you think about it, the more likely of a dream. You might not remember the dream but it might have happened.
I had two since the gold release, but never during the wait for a year. So you guys are not alone... (thumbs up)
I don't know about you guys, but I normaly dream about girls with tig ol' bitties. I'm not that excited for hl2. Sheesh!
I had a dream where me and my friends were fighting a battle with the combine, and i stabbed one in the arm twice...thats all i remember...i suck at dreaming
I dont dream that much of girls. Its mostly landscapes, shopping malls, and random sunlit cities standing above highways...
Jesus Lincoln said:
I had a dream where me and my friends were fighting a battle with the combine, and i stabbed one in the arm twice...thats all i remember...i suck at dreaming

lol remember they carry mp7s so stab them in the heart ok not the arm
wayne white said:
army stuff?...do you mean killing and destroying?

what not army stuff when i say dirty im talking about girls come on man did i really have to explain
silverstealth89 said:
i either have dirty dreams or no dream at all pretty much im dead for like 8 hours
i think its impossable not to have a dream
but its just like if you remember it or not when you wake up...

ne ways
anyone ever have that thing where ur on a boat one day
then you go to bed and while you are just lying there trying to get asleep
you feel like ur on a boat and the boat is tipping over or soemthing like that
then you move ur leg so that you dont tip over
even tho u arent moving...
Aall your dreams are weird...... where's the dreams about flying fangorious dragons????? TROGDOR!!!!
When I was little, I only had good dreams. For the past 5 years or so, the only coherent dreams that I have been aware of have been bad. It's probably because I have a lot of stress these days.

I had a dream that a large place (looked like a school) had been made into a HL2 map, and I was subsequently in it. I was amazed at how realistic the physics were and pretty much spent my time exploring.
I enjoyed that dream :)
I had a dream.. I bought a HL2 copy I saw in a store, despite me having it on Steam already. Then during school I tried to install it on a computer in class (informatics). Didn't finish, bell rung. I woke up quite unhappy..
Runner said:
has anyoen had it were your day dream then in your dream u fall over a stump or somethign only to have your legs flinch?

I once kicked my window and nearly broke it from suddenly waking from a dream :eek:

Anyway I had a dream and I was given a crowbar and a potatoe and was sent into a tent... I forgot what else happened but near the end I headcrabbed a prowler with the potatoe

i had a nightmare where hl2 graphics were crap and all u peeps wer like aaaaaaarrrrr