I ****ed myself over :(


Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Bank account over drafted by $120....pay not til Friday.
my check won't be more then $230

gosh dunr it :(

anybody want to buy my ETQW key for $20? :imu:
Well I was sure that I had at least $60, so I bought a CD yesterday and something to drink. so all in all it's at least $90 that I have to pay **** I'm so mad at myself
well I get paid twice a month

on average I get about %500 a month I Hardly worked this week though,that another reason I'm pissed

Ah...the joys of been 16...
Call up your bank. If this is the first time it has happened if you are nice to the lady or gentleman you are talking to they should remove those fees for you. Just don't let it happen again.
You're never too young to start balancing your check book.
Whatever happened to "Insufficient Funds"
HAHAAAAA, your poor...."sucks to be you nerd"....(grandma's boy anyone?)
Well I was sure that I had at least $60, so I bought a CD yesterday and something to drink. so all in all it's at least $90 that I have to pay **** I'm so mad at myself

Did you have the super duper pooper scooper fatter than yo' momma' big gulp?

And that must have been an expensive CD... :|
If its a debit card then it should say "insufficient funds", but if it can be used as a credit card then it will let you overdraft. At least, thats how it is for my card/bank.
My debit card will not allow a transaction if there is insufficient funds. That's only happened to me once, and now I'm making enough money to make sure it doesn't happen again.
I'm pretty sure mine does that too. I don't think I've ever had it happen though, so I can't say for sure :|

I've had customers come through at the grocery store I used to work at and they'd get insufficient funds, though.
I overdrafted badly once. 9 small charges within over three days. The bank charged me $270 for what amounted to about $20 of overdraft. I managed to argue out of it, and subsequently got overdraft protection.
what sucks about over draft protection is that sometimes you dont know how much you have in an account ..so at an atm you'll withdraw an amount but since you have overdraft protection the money comes out anyways, regardless if you have the money or not ...each over draft protection payment = $5 service charge ...this is especially bad if you have multiple bank accounts like the majority of people do ..finally whittled them down to 4 accounts from 7
How would he get money if he doesn't have it? Sometimes you can but you get charged a good amount...

silly bastard :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
what i meant was that if he used an atm he would always know his balance.
Or use online banking to check your balance.
My bank charges 10+ dollars per transaction for overdraft. It sucks, when you look at your online account, and realize that you have 60 bucks, then go spend some money on some small things, food, cd, game, etc, then get back, realized a 55 dollar check hasn't even SHOWN up since you put it in a week ago, and you get charged 50 bucks in overdraft alone.

Does anyone else keep reading this thread as "I wanked all over myself :(" ?
on my checking account it wont allow you to take out the amount of money at an atm unless you have it, but you are able to still make transactions at store,restaurants.etc.
I have 8000 in the bank right now and should get payed another 2500 soon.