I finished FarCry! Big self-congratulation thread! (spoilers?)


Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
...and I loved it!

I played on the 'easy' setting, and used the console for quicksaves. Best game I've played in a long long time.

My favorite bits were the treehouse pen, the catacombs segment, the antenna-blasting, the doom3-esque trigen hunting, and the trigen run to the crashed helicopter.

I thought the tongue-in-cheek machismo of Jack and the inane plot were great, refreshing in their obviousness, though I was a bit dismayed at Doyle (obviousness and all).

I loved the guns, the headshots, the ragdolls and other physics. Normal mapping was fabulous - and the terrain, well everybody's seen it. Enemies were fun, humans and others - there's a real visceral thrill to shooting a trigen in the mouth with the shotgun as it leaps down on you. The levels were suprisingly various, but still linear. I didn't mind really, but I think that a happy medium was met with FarCry - the antenna level being one. Linear, with options. They could have pushed the non-linearity more, but again, I didn't mind. Perhaps we'll see a good FarCry mod like that.

I used the console for quick saves, but since the game uses .lua scripting I'm sure someone could code a quicksave key. I didn't look into it. Seems all the reviews rail on the save system, and with that out of the way they don't say much. It wasn't a problem for me.

So - who else here has finished the game without cheating? What were your favorite/least favorite bits?
I really enjoyed it and will prolly play it again soon. I really liked all the scary indoor levels... but as far as style goes, that broken-down temple area with all the overgrowth was really cool. Running around in the warzone level mid-game was prety fun too. The only part I didn't like was the last level... pretty anti-climactic, not to mention tedious, what with reloading all those times...
I played Far Cry, and to be honest, I really did not like it. I was expecting something so much more than the generic shooter we were given. The graphics are technically nice, but to me at least they come across as generic and uninspired; everything had the shiny, plastic sort of feel as well. The story...well...bleh. The AI was on and off for me. Somethimes it performed well, but other times they would sit there as I shot their comrade in the chest a few times only to respond after he fell to the ground dead. The whole game was just very generic.
I never played FC tbh (demo bored me), what exactly happens in the treehouse pen?
PLAY ON REALISTIC... Thats what I did my first time through those last levels... were very anticlimatic as Letters said. Good fun for the rest of the game though.
:dozey: I, myself is close to the end... after 3 months of owning the game, I finally got motivated to complete it. YAY. I am on the Chapter known as "Swamp", about 3-4 more to go?
Well done. My computer failed and all information (save games etc) was lost, as I was on Level 20, so technically I sorta completed it. Try a harder setting though, easy/normal is for n00bs.
I became dissapointed with Far Cry when it refused to run even on the medium settings, despite my powerful computer. The Graphics card (Radeon 9100) was the only shortcoming and because of that I had to set everything to low, tweak the configuration and add new lines of code (to eliminate dynamic lighting) just to get the thing to work.

Once I got to playing it, I was blown away. I liked that you could attack from different angles instead of the linear gameplay of most FPS. Unfortunately once the Trigens came in the game was less interesting as it became a trial and error type game. It didn't stay dull for long and the rest of the game was up and down from then on.

Favorite Level: The boat one where you face off against Crow in his helicopter (very open, lots to do, many vehicles, the biggest and most satisfying map of the lot).
Favorite Moment: Vale kicking Jack off the helicopter over 50 feet in the air (I did not see this coming and I laughed my ass off).
I'm not planing on playing the game, could someone please tell me what is it about.
Adrien C said:
I'm not planing on playing the game, could someone please tell me what is it about.

Some guy named jack that gets lost in a tropical habitat, gets kicked out of multiple helicopters and awps from miles away...try the demo. AND SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THE HELL THE TREEPEN IS!!
Thanks six Three I knew that part, is it true that they have monsters, that kind of kills it.
Six Three -

The Treehouse pen is a large jungle compound with very tall trees and a thick canopy. There are catwalks in the upper area of the trees that allow you to look down on the trigen monsters. There is a gated pen with a large cave underneath the catwalk. When you get close to the cave, the trigen monsters make a creepy wheezy breathing noise. You shouldn't go near the ground, because they are everywhere. If you get to a part of the catwalk that is low to the ground trigens will jump for you. Theyalso do a good job of sneeking around you, breathing really loud to get your attention and then jumping on you once you turn around.

Once I was walking through the jungle and one of them jumped right past me. He came so close to tearing me to shreds and it scared me so much. I emptied every bullet into that sucked and it flopped to the ground.

That's is your first encounter with the monsters and it is scary!
:naughty: It scares me when I am low on health and the Trigen pounches everytime, because I hate to do all the stuff over and over again. Thanks Crytek for the no-quicksave feature, you ****tards.
I got bored at the river level. Can someone tell me what happens from there? :)
Im on the very last level but i got it on setting above medium (my first time round) and i get wasted soon as krieger and his men see me :(

My favourite part was it all...it was all amazing.

The most annoying part but one of the best parts after you do it has to be the Dam level...man that had me in agony, so frustrating...i sat at the bottom of the waterfall for no less than 25 minutes edging myself forward to make a monster jump in the water :flame: but i still had to leg it ...i was like "come on you bitch *looks at stamina* COME ON!!! *jumps into water*"

Im actually replaying it atm on realistic because ive got an X800pro to enjoy it in all its glory ;) im on level 6...i hate this level, especially when a trigen see's you and runs up the ramps on the other side of the map coming for you hiding above the tree's :P the building part of this level really shit me up first time around. You walk down a set of stairs and a trigen is right there man...jumps at you, man, i shit it.

Edit/ anyone that has'nt played farcry is missing out...it is undoubtably the best fps since half life. Fair enough people say it has a basic story but hasnt every game? half life's story was'nt exactly amazing and when someone wants to that person can make it sound alot worser - Facility has malfunction, worker gets a gun and aliens come from Xen. now farcry - man gets lost in jungle, gets a gun and kills monsters that a mad scientist was making. Same shit, just in a different sense.

Krieger = Xen
Tropical islands = black mesa
I play Farcry occasionly on Saturdays at my Fathers place. He has a Athlon 2000+ so load times are quicker compared to my 1.3 duron.

It's not bad to play for half an hour or so, but after that the amount of times you get caught off guard and die then have to do that exact same thing all over again gets really damn annoying.

P.s. I hate cutscenes it ruins the immersion.
ailevation said:
:naughty: It scares me when I am low on health and the Trigen pounches everytime, because I hate to do all the stuff over and over again. Thanks Crytek for the no-quicksave feature, you ****tards.

there is a quick save feature

just type \save_game 1 into the console (where 1 = your save game name)

to load just use the checkpoint menu or type \load_game 1 (again 1 = the name of your save)

after you save the first time it's easy to keep quicksaving by just hitting [`] [up] [enter] too.

there's a way you can bind these commands to a key but you'll have to search around to figure out how to do that.
i am still half way thorugh far cry... like i was when i bought it a few months ago.

i find it boring... but i will complete it someday.
"Attention! All Trigens are now priority targets!"

That was the scariest bit I think. I hadn't seen the monsters yet and I could just see motion below in the pen. I let the mercs shoot most of them, and I sniped a few. Took a good 15 mins of recon to pluck up the courage to go down in there lol.

I'll look up how to do that quicksave .lua scripting, too.
Best Level : Treetops

I just let the mercs shoot all the trigens (that were on the ground), and then let the trigens sneak up behind the mercs and kill them. Unfortunatly a trigen (must have followed me on the catwalk) sneaked up on me. I unloaded a WHOLE M4 clip into him, and he ragdolled right over the railing, straight on top of another Trigen ! I ran like hell to the minigun, and started slaughtering them all, until the jungle went silent. Then I heard a LOUD trigen growl right behind me ..... :)
Woah woah woah...What is this about quicksaving I've been hearing so little about?

Treetops was a cool level, it actually made me think of lot of Jurrasic Park 2. I had the problem of trigens making their way up onto the catwalk. I thought i was safe because i thought the only way up were the ladders...however i was greatly mistaken. I saw one coming from behind and one from infront... I simply dropped a grenade where i stood, jumped and hoped for the best. I died when i hit the floor, but at least i got them both :D
Farrowlesparrow said:
Woah woah woah...What is this about quicksaving I've been hearing so little about?

yep, turns out one of the biggest complaints about the game is just something lazy people who don't bother with the console commands say. granted they could have integrated a much better quick save feature, but it's definitely there. this is all just temporary though until they finally release the 1.2 patch which will actually have the kind of quicksave feature people are used to seeing.