I found poo near my house in Edinburgh!

Jul 19, 2003
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Can't believe I found that. :smoking:

My house is pretty close to that. Also, to the right, you can see the hilariously lame park with 1 football goalposts, because the other posts were on the other side of the park before it was built, and if they moved them to the other side, they're too close to peoples back gardens. :upstare:
I came into this thread expecting to find a picture of human feces on a lawn or something.

I could not be any more happy to be mistaken.
I came into this thread expecting to find a picture of human feces on a lawn or something.

I could not be any more happy to be mistaken.

I share your thoughts and feelings on this subject.

Actually, realizing that the former was probably not true, I was actually thinking it could be Winnie the Pooh.


I was still more pleased with this outcome, though Pooh Bear is quite awesome.

Whoever did that is quite the joker I must say.
Wow, that's awesome. They probably did it for planes, then google was like "GOGO PICTURES!" Perfect timing if I say so myself.