i found something O.O!!


Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
ok if u have past or at the part were u see a building that look's like the white hoiuse (after u disable all the sheilds) go out side and turn noclip on and go tothe right of the building off the map and u will hear a voice saying "gorden give up while you have the chance" so yea
Thats dr breen. He is saying it all the time during the assault on the nexus building. You will have found the room with the recording :).

"Surrender while you still can."

"You have plunged humanity into freefall"

Etc etc
Kill the breen and spawn a vortigaunt there, any Dr Breen Screen will now have a vortigaunt staring in your face in that level
Danimal said:
Kill the breen and spawn a vortigaunt there, any Dr Breen Screen will now have a vortigaunt staring in your face in that level
lol yeah?... let me try that. :cool:
Do you automaticaly assosicate any neoclassical archtecture with the white house?
I can leave a set of instructions on how to do it if you need me to.
Actually, the "Breen in the monitor" actual model was only HALF of Breen. :O
Oh the wonders of a simple camera and monitor...
Is This Tea said:
Do you automaticaly assosicate any neoclassical archtecture with the white house?

heheheh, good point. Although the term 'neo-clasical' might be a tad too high brow for a gaming forum.
Is This Tea said:
Do you automaticaly assosicate any neoclassical archtecture with the white house?

Why shouldn't he? Assuming he's American, can you name a more famous example of neoclassical in the US? So it makes sense, no?
pomegranate said:
Why shouldn't he? Assuming he's American, can you name a more famous example of neoclassical in the US? So it makes sense, no?
I was in a bad mood that day… I guess I was just a being an assh*le. (you know you've all done it too) It looks more like capital hill then the Whitehouse in any case.
Can't you also make the Vortagaunt say the Dr Breen lines as well?
probably made half the model there because you don't see the lower half in the monitor anyway, no sense in putting a whole model there if nobody's gonna see it.
Venmoch said:
Can't you also make the Vortagaunt say the Dr Breen lines as well?

Look at breen and open console.
It'll say the modle's name, then the character's name in brackets.
Put whatever in breen's spot and name it the breen's character's name.(ent_setname [breen's character's name])
Name breen something else (ent_setname ****ing idiot)

It may say the speech. You have to wait till he starts the speech again (It runs a loop).

I'm not sure but this may only work for characters.
Works 1 out of 10 times.
Can be done with any scene.
The chances are 1 in 20 if you delet the person acting out the scene (ent_remove)