I got a job at EB!


Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Muwahahaha! Now I get discounts, and games in the back room days before you all!!

I am teh WINNAR!! :cheese:
Heh I just turned in Applications there today how odd... Hope I get one too :)
Are you gonna be workin' in the "Bullshit Release Date Fabrication" department?
^^ Wow, you must work there too!! What desk is yours? I'll come and see you. :)
Originally posted by iamironsam
Are you gonna be workin' in the "Bullshit Release Date Fabrication" department?

LOL you made me :laugh: :laugh: .
If I don't get a job at EB I'm going to hunt you down like the guy on Hitman and strangle you with a wire. Then I'll steal your clothes and walk into EB and everyone will say, "Hey Sn7!" and then I'll live happily with my game discounts forever. Well not forever but for the rest of my HS career.

Edit: Or I'll pull a Solid Snake and when you're walking down the hall way I'll knock on the wall around the corner and you'll turn around with a question mark above your head and say, "What was that?" And then when you go to investigate you'll see no one was there and stand there baffled. Then I'll sneak up behind you and say, "It was me all along...BITCH!" then break your neck. Then I'll stick you in a locker and continue on my mission to get pictures of Metal Gear Ray.

If you can't tell I'm a big MGS fan and I can't wait for MGS 3!!! :)
Originally posted by iamironsam
Are you gonna be workin' in the "Bullshit Release Date Fabrication" department?

Originally posted by Sn7
^^ Wow, you must work there too!! What desk is yours? I'll come and see you. :)


hehe seriously... hopefully u can bring back some sanity to employees of EB.. generally i find them to be more clueless than u and i..
Heh, i can picture your first day.

"Right, heres a list of games, come up with release dates for them, and oh if you need some bullshit, there's lots in the closet overthere"
Originally posted by Pressure
Then I'll steal your clothes and walk into EB and everyone will say, "Hey Sn7!"
If they actually say "Hey Sn7", Sn7 needs some social skill classes.
my birth name is sn7...you weirdos with names like phil and bob and shit need some social skill classes.
It's like in that russian joke. Some russian parents have been trying to register their child's name for 9 months already. They want to name him BOCh rVF 260602. Wich in eglish means approximately this: BHO VFk 260602 - Biological Human Object of Voronin-Frolov kin born on June 26, 2002. Same here, though his parent made an irreversible blunder.
my birth name is |CC|, im still not sure what to call the | things.
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
my birth name is |CC|, im still not sure what to call the | things.

Straight slash

lol, oxymoron

edit: my TTS program says its a bar.
Hopefully my "buddy" hires me, at our local EB Games. Then I can quit the crappier of my two jobs, and enjoy both! I'll aslo be able to enjoy minor discounts, pre-releases, and try out games.
Originally posted by Loshadka
It's like in that russian joke. Some russian parents have been trying to register their child's name for 9 months already. They want to name him BOCh rVF 260602. Wich in eglish means approximately this: BHO VFk 260602 - Biological Human Object of Voronin-Frolov kin born on June 26, 2002. Same here, though his parent made an irreversible blunder.

ahahha - what a funny link! Wacky characters galore! I should join their forum and post in wingdings... :laugh:
Originally posted by nw909
I was going to be named 7 of 9 but it never came through.
REALLY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? i was gonna be Robert, but it never happened either lol

why are we talking about fake names??? we should be bashing EB
Originally posted by Sn7
Muwahahaha! Now I get discounts, and games in the back room days before you all!!

I am teh WINNAR!! :cheese:

BadgerEDIT: warez talk :flame:
Hey swipe us a few games will u? and a new graphics card would do nicely too
Re: Re: I got a job at EB!

Edit: oh nm. lol
Haha :D, should have edited it to i like to buy LEGAL compuper games.
Originally posted by MaxiKana
Haha :D, should have edited it to i like to buy LEGAL compuper games.

The last time I tried to buy a compuper game I got a strange look.