I Got The Job!!!


Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
yeah so um hehe :naughty:

I been kinda poor for the last few years, barely squeezin by... Makin only 8 bucks an hour.. About 6 months ago somebody I know was like "Why don't you be a truck driver?" and I was like "Pfffft cat got no keys newb!"

But I thought I'd try it anyway. So then I took a introductory lesson, and I liked it. So I took allll the lessons, and I passed! And I got my class A license about 3 months ago. Now for the last 3 goddamn months we been strugglin with the rent, sending out about 10 resumes a day, going to about 3 interviews a week. Now last week I went to an interview this one job for a place called door-to-door storage (in case you know it). And they let me go on a ride along. Man this is one cushy job. The trucks got automatics :eek:, a/c, radio, vinyl seats, man they're more luxurious then my car!!. And the driver I was with say you meet alot of hot girls :naughty:

And I just got a call about 10 minz ago saying I got the job :)

Goodbye you suck-ass computer!!, and helloooo 11.50 per hour!!
truck driving is really hard on the back ...ask old timers how their back feels. But anyways, way to go!!! congrats on getting a job, good luck
LOL i would hate to be a truck driver you have to time to spend with you're friends.
I have a job interview today at McDonald's lol
Im only 15 so im not pathetic lol
ill be 16 on august 1st WOoooo WOOOOOoooo!
congratulations man, i'm glad there are people out there that actually like to drive, i'd get so frustrated and pissed off i'd have to shoot someone.... with a kindness dart... and nothing else :)
a kindness dart ....sheesh my evil dart is waaaaay better :)
My Grandad used to drive trucks for about 40 years in total, and he said it's the most boring job. Infact, he used to bring various members of the family with him (including me when I was a nipper) to keep him company.

GJ on getting the job though :)

11.50, whats that in GBP?, about 5.50 tops, which is basically minimum wage :/ anything under £7 ($13/14) p/h is taking the piss really.
11.50 is more that £5.50 I reckon...

It is actually more like 7.00....

Dont quote me on that though (Unless I'm right! :p)

Anyway, congrats on the new job! And remember to keep posting now and again. :)
xe.com Universal Currency Converter ® Results

Live mid-market rates as of 2004.07.20 17:46:38 GMT.

11.50 USD
United States Dollars = 6.19794 GBP
United Kingdom Pounds
1 USD = 0.538951 GBP 1 GBP = 1.85546 USD

Edit: I was closer by 10p :P
my truck driving brother in law makes $26 an hour (canadian) so the potential for making more money is there
It depends on where he lives, And what the cost of living for him is, you can't just throw out raw numbers and expect to know how it will effect him..
I just came back from my intterview at mcdonalds. i have a second interview tomarow with the head maneger :D
I don't know the company but "door-to-door storage" sounds like a short distance trucking company. Personally if I were getting into trucking (I won't) that would be the kind trucking job for me. Long distance hauling sounds extremelly boring and dangerous when you are driving at night and are having a hard time staying awake. Of course it also pays better.

I hope everything turns out alright for you. Good luck. :cheers:
$14.50 and hour here. (Over time is time and time) MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
Im on £3.72 an hour... my job sucks. 18 next week though, it'll go up to minimum wage then :) Which is still poo money but its better than nothing!
LittleB said:
yeah so um hehe :naughty:

I been kinda poor for the last few years, barely squeezin by... Makin only 8 bucks an hour.. About 6 months ago somebody I know was like "Why don't you be a truck driver?" and I was like "Pfffft cat got no keys newb!"

But I thought I'd try it anyway. So then I took a introductory lesson, and I liked it. So I took allll the lessons, and I passed! And I got my class A license about 3 months ago. Now for the last 3 goddamn months we been strugglin with the rent, sending out about 10 resumes a day, going to about 3 interviews a week. Now last week I went to an interview this one job for a place called door-to-door storage (in case you know it). And they let me go on a ride along. Man this is one cushy job. The trucks got automatics :eek:, a/c, radio, vinyl seats, man they're more luxurious then my car!!. And the driver I was with say you meet alot of hot girls :naughty:

And I just got a call about 10 minz ago saying I got the job :)

Goodbye you suck-ass computer!!, and helloooo 11.50 per hour!!

Wow, that's great! Congrats to you. :afro:

[brag]I do web design, so I'm not short on jobs :naughty: I can't even do all the jobs offered because I'm 16 and lazy (and it's hard enough to do 3 projects at the same time) I charge flat-rate, not hourly. {Here I come Nomad Zen Xtra MP3 player! Hopefully this week.}[/brag]
Coolies, I am making 8.50 Canadian an hour plus vacation pay, pullin apart cherries. Yeah.. you know how cherry stems clump together on a tree... You gota make them individual, its boring work but it pays.
I dont uderstand why you bitch around so much.
Mexican people make 8 USD a Day !! Not an hour, a day !!
i do yard work and lawn mowing and i paint houses with my dad... i make bank on painting houses... around $600 per house and that is like 2 or 3 days of working about 8 hours...

my mates dad was a trucker and he took speed all day l;ong to deal with the long traveling and he can also roll fags in one hand.