I gots questions...


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
As you probably have already heard, I just got Comcast High-Speed Internet about 3 days ago. It's great and everything, but I have questions concerning the topic.

First off...

Maximum download speed: 3.0Mbps.
Maximum upload speed: 256Kbps.
Comcast says that these speeds are not guaranteed.

But I have questions...
What is ping?
Why am I only maxing out at about 150 KB/Sec when downloading? Is this normal?
How do I get on a game server to play an online multiplayer game? Such as Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.
Does it depend on the size of the file to how fast it downloads?
What is the difference between upload and download? Examples please.
Is Counter-Strike: Source free?
Will I be able to play online multiplayer games?
Do online multiplayer games cost $$? Or does it depend on the game?

Thanx in advance.
Speed determines how close you are to the server you are downloading from, and that servers maximum upload speed.

Uploading is files you are sending from your machine - i.e. sending files over MSN to someone, or uploading files to a FTP server.

Ping is a tool used to calculate distances and router speeds between you and a given destination. A packet is sent from your machine to the server, then back to you - and the time is then given in the form of miliseconds.
What is ping?
Ping is the delay between you and whatever server you are connected to. 100 is fine, 250 is jumpy.
Just join a any online game and check the scoreboard and check your ping there, try it on several servers that have low ping for you.

Why am I only maxing out at about 150 KB/Sec when downloading? Is this normal?
Could be perfectly normal, Comcast won't guarantee those figures. The one thing is almost every Cable provider rate everything in megabits, but everything else ranks bandwith in MegaBytes, and for every 8 Megabits there are 1 MegaBytes.

How do I get on a game server to play an online multiplayer game? Such as Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.
/me is confused.

Does it depend on the size of the file to how fast it downloads?
Download rate depends on 3 things, Your connection, the server's connection and the distance between you and the server. Oh also if the server is under heavy stress as well.

What is the difference between upload and download? Examples please.
Downloading is when you recieve data and uploading is when you send data to someone else(Commonly found with P2P programs). The easist example of this is Importing(Downloading)/Exporting(Uploading)

Is Counter-Strike: Source free?
Free with Half-Life 2.

Will I be able to play online multiplayer games?
Yeah, thats good enough speed for online play.

Do online multiplayer games cost $$? Or does it depend on the game?
Only MMORPGs costs monthly payment, they need it badly too. The amount of costs to keep up servers with 1000s of people on em are tremendous. Normal FPS game servers with like 32 people on it are free.
Sorry. I meant Counter-Strike: Source-Beta. Do I need Counter-Strike or Half-Life to play this Beta version. I'm new to this so don't get frustrated, please.

Thanx guys for the answers.
But where do I go if I want to...lets see...play MoH: AA? A specific URL would be nice. :rolleyes:
User Name said:
Sorry. I meant Counter-Strike: Source-Beta. Do I need Counter-Strike or Half-Life to play this Beta version. I'm new to this so don't get frustrated, please.

Thanx guys for the answers.
But where do I go if I want to...lets see...play MoH: AA? A specific URL would be nice. :rolleyes:

To play Counter-Strike: Source Beta you need either Counter-Strike: Condition Zero or a ATI HL2 Voucher.

Now onto playing multiplayer, I assume you've never played an online game before? Well its pretty simple, just run the game, look on the main menu for 'Multiplayer', then there should be a button called 'Refresh' or 'Refresh All'. Then a bunch of server names should pop up. Just find one that has a low ping for you and several people on it as well, just double click on the name or click on it and choose join and begin fragging.
Dedatorv said:
To play Counter-Strike: Source Beta you need either Counter-Strike: Condition Zero or a ATI HL2 Voucher.

Now onto playing multiplayer, I assume you've never played an online game before? Well its pretty simple, just run the game, look on the main menu for 'Multiplayer', then there should be a button called 'Refresh' or 'Refresh All'. Then a bunch of server names should pop up. Just find one that has a low ping for you and several people on it as well, just double click on the name or click on it and choose join and begin fragging.
Thank you thank you thank you

Edit: Problem...I try to connect to server but it says that my connection has timed out. What does that mean? What can I do?
Wait...it seems I need to enter in an IP Address for an internet game. Do you know what IP I should enter?
I got to playing in a map, but no one is there. What do I do? How do I set up the match? Help please help!

I will be very grateful of your help.
I'm trying to get online with MoH: AA. Please help!

Asus...are you out there?!
join a server with players on, the menu showing the servers avaliable will also show how many players are playing on it.
See in the options if there is a box to tick saying "filter servers with no players" or something similar and tick it.
oldagerocker said:
join a server with players on, the menu showing the servers avaliable will also show how many players are playing on it.
See in the options if there is a box to tick saying "filter servers with no players" or something similar and tick it.
Where do I join a server? Is it a website or is it in the game? Right now I am trying to play MoH: AA on a map online but no one seems to be there playing at all.
I own Comcast cable, my max download is about 400k/s

Never get slower, unless download server is slower.
User Name said:
As you probably have already heard, I just got Comcast High-Speed Internet about 3 days ago. It's great and everything, but I have questions concerning the topic.

First off...

Maximum download speed: 3.0Mbps.
Maximum upload speed: 256Kbps.
Comcast says that these speeds are not guaranteed.

But I have questions...
What is ping?
Why am I only maxing out at about 150 KB/Sec when downloading? Is this normal?
How do I get on a game server to play an online multiplayer game? Such as Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.
Does it depend on the size of the file to how fast it downloads?
What is the difference between upload and download? Examples please.
Is Counter-Strike: Source free?
Will I be able to play online multiplayer games?
Do online multiplayer games cost $$? Or does it depend on the game?

Thanx in advance.

note you have answered your own question 3.0Gbps...notice the small "b"..this means bits, which is one eigth of a byte. you get 150KB..notice the big "B"...this means byte....150x8=1200kbps...quite average considering that any cvonnection you get is entirely dependant on the server you are connected to, and what state you are in, and how far you are from the server you are trying to connect to...

does not matter how far you are from the comcast network, as long as you are within city limits generally, as every single Comcast customer has only 4 hops including the gateway. after the gateway, Comcast has no control over the connection, as this is no longer on thier servers.....
call comcast tech support, and make sure that the 3.0 cfg file has been sent to your modem. sounds to me you got the default 1.5hsi config file.
PING is a a 32 byte packet sent to a specific destination, with a reply sent. the total time is devided by 2 to give you the LATENCY in milliseconds between that 32 byte packet leaving your machine and reaching the destination. youi should be below 120ms, and generally somewhere's around 65, depending on what state you are in.

BTW, i used to be one of the few people that answered phones on the Comcast tech line that got people problems solved. The service is good when it's good, but because of the aging infrastucture that is currently in place, there are alot of outages in specific areas. every state that comcast is in is slated for new firbe optic networks, but while this takes place, there are boind to be rpoblems. when you call in with a problem, don't get angry with me...i'll do the best i can to help you, but considering that i am not even in the states and providing that support (easier to fix problems if you are not part of the same network that has the problems, in case you were wondering why tech support in not local), there is only so much that can be done.

There's you're "official" Comcast answers.

btw..read your service agreement..it may scare you.