I guess they're mad...


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Heh, so I downloaded this thing called MSN Messenger Plus, which has a bunch of extras like away messages and what-not, but most are just useless. Just 5 minutes ago, I go to uninstall it because it blocked the handwriting feature (weird). So, I go through all the dumb menus and finally get to "Uninstall." And I click. It says "Now Uninstalling" with a loading bar.

Rofl, then my virus blocker goes "OMFG TROJAN!1"


I guess they're mad that I'm uninstalling.
Its filled with spyware anyway. Grrr.
Everyone says its full of spyware...after i installed it. I still have it, it just runs with my msn all the time, never caused me problems though. Apparently its something in msn plus thats identified as a trojan but its just a mistake, theres a big article on their homepage about it. Although most people won't believe it...microsofts fault i heard?

edit: http://www.msgplus.net/petition.php
yeah, ms antivirus detects it as spyware, even though it really isn't (i believe).

gotta love msn plus though ;)
You get the option to not install the spyware at the beginning...trouble is most people don't read that, they think it's a license agreement for MSN plus.

I dont have it any more though, it was crashing my comp.
I used to use plus! all the time. The boss protection feature was great. Too bad I didn't use the feature in time when I got fired D:

Anyway :P Yeah, great program, but I can't use it with Trillian :(