I had to share this

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
First, look through (if you have the strength) the lamest trick in the history of the world:

A toddler could figure out how he did it. But read the comments:

I have never seen a bigger density of idiots in my life. Half of them are saying he got it wrong, and most of the other ones are amazed that he got it right. I had more laughs reading those comments than from any video on youtube.
It only worked because Darth made me choose the number he wanted with a mind trick.
This exact thing was posted here a few months ago, with almost the exact first post.

Anyway, here's another trick-

put your hand out flat, so your fingers are splayed and you're looking at the back of your hand.

Now, put down your pointer finger.

Put down your thumb (or fold it over or however you want to say it. Just make it so you can't see it)

At this point, if you're doing it properly, you should only be able to see three fingers.

Now, put down your ring finger and your pinky finger.

There you go.
Actually, it was a post in a thread about magic tricks.



The video sucks, but read the comments. A ****ing infant could figure out how he did that, but the idiots on youtube think they're smart because they didn't end up on the moon.

And it was posted nearly three months ago.
Oh, I remember now. Jesus, it was even posted by the same person.
He posted it twice? That's impressive.
And it was posted nearly three months ago.

Oh, I remember now. Jesus, it was even posted by the same person.

Oh, yeah, that is kind of odd.

He posted it twice? That's impressive.

What are you people doing in my living room and where the hell is my boat?
I was on the statue of liberty.
