I hate fanatisn


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
I was checking the gamespot forums and I enter into the HL2 xbox board
and I see someone made a thread saying "just get it for PC" and was saying that "Xbox sucks and PC ownz blabla..." and that just made me angry a lot
some people was saying that theyr PC will not run HL2 so they will buy it on xbox
and say the same thing

but is trully anoiyng that people that say "everithing execpt what I hav sucks" and "do that cuz I am saying it" they jus make me a lot angry :angry:

thats what I hate of the internet comunity
... and I hate Halo fanboys who say " ... Halo pwnsors Half-Life 2", without any evidence .... get used to it, they'll most likely grow.
well the pc version is much better and u get cs:s for free with it so why would u even want to think about the xbox version ;)
i guess <RJMC> does it cuz he dosent got a computer powerfull enough....
@ Milo 7

Because RJMC does not have a pc good enough to run HL2 properly, that's why.

RJMC, there will always be fools who brag about their specs and that everything else sucks. Just learn to ignore them. If it makes you angry, they win so try to stand above that.

And remember, there are a lot of people like you who own an xbox and most likely HL2 will rock for the XBOX as well, so don't worry
Hl2 for xbox suxxor!!! Hl2 for pc roxxor!!! all xbox game suxxor! :angel:
i just hate the concole thingy i u play with on xbox, playstation etc..
I hope halo 2 ends up sucking so I can tell all the halo fanatics at my school to STFU and play HL2
FoB_Ed said:
I hope halo 2 ends up sucking so I can tell all the halo fanatics at my school to STFU and play HL2
Why can't we just hope for them both to be good?
Milo 7 said:
well the pc version is much better and u get cs:s for free with it so why would u even want to think about the xbox version ;)

read my spoiler sig
Yeh I agree, but I doubt things are ever going to change.
I am pleased that HL2 is being released for the xbox, it opens up the game for so many more people.
However I also believe HL2 on the PC does have the upper hand because of the 3rd party mods extending the life of the game by so much.
me too I hate fanatism, or peope getting so called "evidence" that proves a game pwns another. Alot of people on internet forums(this one included) need to grow up.