I HATE Hannah Montana


Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
I mean , srsly.The cast is BAAD.The acting BAAAD.The jokes BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADER.Who likes that piece of crap anyway?
yeah but still! it is douchy even for them!
Whenever I catch any of my siblings watching it I have to turn it off and tell 'em off for making themselves stupid.
Most of everything that comes out of Disney is horrible. For some stupid reason my dad bought what must be the only album that the band Eiffel 95 put out. Disney spammed their lame hit single every second as well:
I seriously questioned myself being a test tube kid that day. My dad doesn't even know why he bought it neither.
eh...I'd let her do me.

I think it's a cute show

and one day

she will be legal.
Looking at her, can you believe she's only 15?!

Coming from a nearly 26 year old guy, her face is VERY 15. At my age it's not as attractive.

Her face just says no to me

despite her body saying yes.

Yes yes yes.
I was at Wal-Mart today, and I found Hannah Montana Candy. The guitar was extremely phallic shaped and flesh colored. I lol'ed heartily after.
LOL! at the "candy" and fatties wishing to have more than an adequate portion. You have been both penis'd and denied.
OMG Hannah Montana is the best evar lolol!!1

She is the bestest rockstar in the history of the world!!!!!11!!!1
I am not sure what's happening to this Hannah Montana fan, it seems as though she's going through one of the metamorphosis stages.
The_E said:
I mean , srsly.The cast is BAAD.The acting BAAAD.The jokes BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADER.Who likes that piece of crap anyway?
If that was not on purpose, your grammar sucks. If it was, your grammar still sucks.

I like you anyhow. :)
I have to agree with you I hardly consider anything Disney music, especially Hannah Montana
At least the Jonas Brothers are around to protect the quality of music everyone listens to.
please dont get me started on them.ughhhhhh .....
You'll all be fapping to her first porn three years from now. Mark my words.
I can't go anywhere without seeing Hannah Montana merchandise. Seriously, EVERY STORE has it in some form.
Disney isn't horrible. *looks at avatar*

Just the new stuff is.
My step sisters LOVE Hannah Montana. But I can't stand it. It seems to be on constantly. Another thing I hate is Camp Rock.
You know the only good thing Disney is for is my nickname actually. You had to register on their site to play games and you could get your high score on Zoog Disney:
Now I couldn't think of a name and they had a nickname generator. So they probably put hool and slapped a 10 on it. I logged on there so much because they had addictive games that I knew the login by heart. After that I figured to use it for everything.
Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days. Everybody knows what I'm talking about; everybody gets that way.

Nobody's perfect.
Most of everything that comes out of Disney is horrible. For some stupid reason my dad bought what must be the only album that the band Eiffel 95 put out. Disney spammed their lame hit single every second as well:
I seriously questioned myself being a test tube kid that day. My dad doesn't even know why he bought it neither.

hey that song is awsome! I remnber the first time I heard it

*<RJMC> dances to eiffel 65*

that disney channel is using it?,those bastard will feel my rage!

*<RJMC> go to show his rage at disney channel while dancing to eiffel 65*

btw about that hannah montana girl,those legs dont look 15:O
You know the only good thing Disney is for is my nickname actually. You had to register on their site to play games and you could get your high score on Zoog Disney:
Now I couldn't think of a name and they had a nickname generator. So they probably put hool and slapped a 10 on it. I logged on there so much because they had addictive games that I knew the login by heart. After that I figured to use it for everything.

God damn, I used to be on that site all the time.
Tons of sweet games.