I hate my scheduel


Apr 13, 2004
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I just got to know my scheduel for next term and hit managed me to consider mondays the original evil. I cant go home on monday until 17:30 :flame:
HunterSeeker said:
I just got to know my scheduel for next term and hit managed me to consider mondays the original evil. I cant go home on monday until 17:30 :flame:
Stop zee beetching!1`~!
Imagine leaving your house at 8am in the morning and not returning until after 8pm to go to work, getting three trains and four busses. Welcome to my world.
Chris_D said:
Imagine leaving your house at 8am in the morning and not returning until after 8pm to go to work, getting three trains and four busses. Welcome to my world.

Done that (3 weeks previous summer, work, except 6pm but meh), it is easier then hellish school days. The most annoying thing is that I have a 3 hour period where I have absolutly nothing to do, and they do become mind numblingy boring.
Damnit I want to find out my timetable. I hope it's not that evil.
HunterSeeker said:
Done that (3 weeks previous summer, work, except 6pm but meh), it is easier then hellish school days. The most annoying thing is that I have a 3 hour period where I have absolutly nothing to do, and they do become mind numblingy boring.
I do it full time. I work every other weekend as well so I even have to do it on a Saturday and Sunday. If it wasn't for the money then I'd prefer to be back in the class room.
Chris_D said:
I do it full time. I work every other weekend as well so I even have to do it on a Saturday and Sunday. If it wasn't for the money then I'd prefer to be back in the class room.

Well its your choice, and you most likely dosent have a neutological disability like I do.

While I am aware that I have a pretty good life it is worse then what I had before. And people in my area is known for complaining :rolleyes: