I hate you, Canterbury

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
First monday back, go to a mate's pool match then head out clubbing. Wait in line for a good half hour in a line to get into Churchills (Canterbury's only club that isn't Bar Bars) in the freezing cold.

Get in, get on it, down a few drinks, say allo to a few mateys. The clubs playing some BAD music.. I usually enjoy club nights, but this was shocking. No pikiy ****s cos it's a student night, so it's not all bad

We **** about, me and a mate end up having a playfight whatever on the dancefloor. This girl dances backwards into me and smacks her head back into mine.

She turns round.. slaps me right in the ****ing face.. I shout at her, so she slaps my mate as well.. way to go, bitch. Then for some reason some guy, could be her boyfriend comes over and starts.. we look bemused as he's not scary and has curly hair and looks kinda funny.. we explain it was an accident and her fault, not ours..

... god knows what his conclusion was but it lead to him waving his arse at us.

I wonder how that came about-
*thinks* These fellows have been slapped by my fugly slag of a girlfriend for no particular reason
Whatever shall I do, theres more of them than me, and they're bigger than I am..

I know, I'll show them my pasty arse - that'll be a winning move!

In the end, all he got was a toepunt, but hey.

That ****ing mardy bitch, it's slags like her that start fights...
After sifting through the complexities of the British slang there, I have come to the conclusion: "What the ****?"
Lol, sounds like a hell of a night. Reminds me of the time when my pipes burst and flooded my basement when I had a hell of a hangover. Bad times
bvasgm said:
After sifting through the complexities of the British slang there, I have come to the conclusion: "What the ****?"

He got in a fight and the guy shakes his ass at them. That's all I got.
that asshole, you should have kicked his arse!

or shot him, whichever works for you
Those bastards, sorry to hear it was such a bad night because of a few bad apples, Badger.

Inform the Archbishop (Dr. Rowan Attkinson), immediately!
I'm suprised one of our lot didn't kick off, he's a right psycho sometimes.. however I heard today he got the shit kicked out of him on friday night, lost a tooth or two :|

The walk home was more fun, tried to steal a digger :D

One of these badboys. However we reckoned without the guard dogs :|
If you'd stolen it, you could mash the guard dogs with the scoop on the front.
What is it with you Brits, wanting to show your ass to the rest of the world?
****s sake ended up being dragged to Ba Bars, a worse club.. god it was a ****ign dive, some old bloke tried to start on my mate, he was being a right mardy ****.. all the girls were ****ing munting, even though I have a gf, it's still nice to have summat to look at you know?

Drinks were ****in expensive, and it were £6 to get it. ****ing rip.. full of ****ing chavs and chavs in cheap knockoff clothes.

Last time I go there.
ComradeBadger said:
****s sake ended up being dragged to Ba Bars, a worse club.. god it was a ****ign dive, some old bloke tried to start on my mate, he was being a right mardy ****.. all the girls were ****ing munting, even though I have a gf, it's still nice to have summat to look at you know?

Drinks were ****in expensive, and it were £6 to get it. ****ing rip.. full of ****ing chavs and chavs in cheap knockoff clothes.

Last time I go there.
To hell with paying that much. Solution: Drink before arrival.
ComradeBadger said:
****s sake ended up being dragged to Ba Bars, a worse club.. god it was a ****ign dive, some old bloke tried to start on my mate, he was being a right mardy ****.. all the girls were ****ing munting, even though I have a gf, it's still nice to have summat to look at you know?

Drinks were ****in expensive, and it were £6 to get it. ****ing rip.. full of ****ing chavs and chavs in cheap knockoff clothes.

Last time I go there.
Blimey bloody ****in hell! You must be one ****ing aggroed chap! I mean really ****in bloomin brassed off! I'm bloody ****in surprised you were'nt so narked that you went arse over tit barmy! I woulda just said "bugger it" and told that blinkered duff wanker to belt the **** off, then I woulda' boxed his ears jolly good, then I woulda' filshed his goolies! what a load a' cobblers! Oh and how's your father? Anyway hope your not to bladdered and best of british to ya! I can't be fagged to keep writing this bullocks so cheerio!

I have no idea what the f*ck I just said. :|
Bang - Nothing to do with your hair - this is a rather unattractive way of describing having sex. Always gets a smile from Brits in American hair dressers when they are asked about their bangs.
Ahaha, that's great.
RakuraiTenjin said:
To hell with paying that much. Solution: Drink before arrival.
I'm cool with decent clubs charging that much to get in.. but Bar Bars is just a dive. We got absolutely faced on Sambuca and Melon Scnapps (they were cheap) and hit the floor :p
Sulkdodds said:
I misread that as 'n*gger'.


lol, stealing one of those never works out right these days


I'm not racist. Btw badger I thought you were going to stop partying as hard, D:
I have stopped by and large, I still go out clubbing about 3 times a week, that's pretty calm :D

The night I ****ed myself up I drank 2 bottles of white wine, 4 double Southerncomforts and Lemonades, a double vodka something or other, and a few pints of beer.. that really shitted me up.
Supposively there is another club in Canterbury which is alright. Owen mentioned something, I can't imagine any of them being good though. Haven't been to churchills yet, probably never will. D:
I'm not the only one who had a bad night then.
Normally a busy club is a good thing but last night it was insane, far too busy.

Normally this club has a pretty equal male to female ratio but last night there were about 4:1 no joke, made up of a load of chavs too.
Worst thing is my mate spilt his drink right on my trousers so it looked like i had pissed myself.

Ah well, hopefully it should be better next weekend.
Heh. Fat Tony, he might be talking about Alberrys or whatever.

However, Canterbury has the worst nightlife ever...

Short recoil, yeah, there was an awful ratio last night as well. And the girls were minging too... not that I should care, but it's still not nice to be surrounded by desparate chavvy lads.

Next weekend will be my last friday night in Faversham, and after that I'm back in Lincoln, and get to see my gf again, so it's all good.
ComradeBadger said:
... god knows what his conclusion was but it lead to him waving his arse at us.

I wonder how that came about-
*thinks* These fellows have been slapped by my fugly slag of a girlfriend for no particular reason
Whatever shall I do, theres more of them than me, and they're bigger than I am..

I know, I'll show them my pasty arse - that'll be a winning move!

In the end, all he got was a toepunt, but hey.
hahahahaha :laugh:
See, Harry? You should have stayed home and chatted to me, and comisserated me on my date bailing on me D:

-Angry Lawyer
when i turned 18, we were gunan go to the *what i reckon is best club in bath*

got there. and we weret allowe din cos there were hardly any girls

that is good bouncers......

i havent been drunk in 2 months:)

im gunna get ****ed after exams

I mean blow 70 quid kinda night:D

well day. im starting drinking when i see my first pub