I have a texture problem... Can anyone help?


Apr 27, 2005
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I've asked everywhere, and can't seem to get any responses. I have a wierd problem, some of the Citadel textures (including some monitors and other items) permanently have the look as if you were seeing them through fog. Screenshots can explain it better though.



I've tried simply uninstalling Half-Life 2 and reinstalling it, I hand deleted every Half-Life 2 thing and reinstalled it, I deleted everything in the steamapps folder in case it was a mod. All to no avail. Nothing works, I'm out of ideas. Can any one help? Please? You will get major bonus cookies. Oh, almost forgot, I beat it before and everything is fine, but I went to play it today after a 2-month long hiatus, and now it doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated!
It might be your vidiocard. Or you have settings checked that arent good for your computer. But other than that, I cant think of what your problem is.

Post your computer specs so we can get an idea of how well HL2 will run on your computer...

Oh, and does it look like that from far away?
Well,the thing is, I KNOW it's not a video card problem, because I have played and beaten the game before on this computer and not had any problems. I thought it was caused by HL2Substance, but I removed it and reinstalled everything and it still doesn't work... I am sad now :(
Did you upgrade anything else on your computer? But still post your system specs please. And does it look like that from far away?
There should be a console command about fog...not sure...
Hmmm... That sound promising. Does anyone know of that command?
As others said, post your specs. It doesn't mean that if you have no problems before that it is not a problem on your computer. You might had changed some settings that you have forgotten.
Sorry, never mind. Thank you for all your help, but it was some wierd anomaly in the fog generator in-game. Thanks to my l33t h4xxing skillz I fixed it. Thanks for all your help!