I just had a meeting with my gf's dad.


May 20, 2003
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My gf's (Amy) dad (Bill) asked me to come over to the his house for supper. Well needless to say Bill and myself where the only people there.
(dont worry I wont post everything he said)
His main point was what my intentions where with his daughter. (We had a similar conversion when I asked his permission to date his daughter)

Needless to say I had been thinking about where our (Amy and myself) relationship was heading. Well I love her and we've been going out and have a very close relationship for severial months now.
(also I have considered that I have a good job that pays great, My own land/house/car) (A few bills but thats ok) So what im trying to say,Is that I asked Bill for his blessing on me about asking Amy to marry me.
Congrats man! Sounds like things are going your way. All the luck in the world to you.
Wow, that's heaps good mate :thumbs: Best of luck!
:cheers: Wow dude, big step in life... have fun with it.

What did he say about it?

Anyhow, I wish you the best of luck! :thumbs:
I hope you didnt feel pressured to ask her hand in marriage, it's not a decision you make on a whim. I also dont think it was any of his business what your intentions were...his daughter is an adult she can make her on decisions.

That said, if you truly want to marry this person then congrats...it's a bumpy ride but it's worth it.
Congrats and Good Luck :thumbs:

When you have kids can I be the God Father?
Congrats nerd! I'm seriously really ecstatic (err, happy) for ya' bro! Good luck, and you've got my best wishes.
w00t, I can see it now..

thenerdnews: thenerdguy gets married!
He told me that I had his blessing. :)
Well its kinda hard to explain, When I first saw there was something about her that I couldnt explain. After I got to know her I reealised that she might be the one but I got to know her more and Ive had a feeling that yees she was the one. Its just that im not sure that shes ready for marriage.
Bill gave told me the story about when he met his wife. And gave me advice on the hardships of marriage.

Yeah I know a lot of people woundnt have asked the father if they could date/marry/whatever his daughter. But I know that you could really piss off the parents and no matter what its best if your friends with the parents.
My parents like amy too and ive talked to my dad about marriage so I think that my side of the family is covered.

(Yeah my standard are kind old fashion but bill seamed impressed that I would ask him before I before I asked his daughter)

I plan on asking her if everything goes well in the next few weeks.
Congratulations my friend! :D

thenerdguy said:
(Yeah my standard are kind old fashion but bill seamed impressed that I would ask him before I before I asked his daughter)

I wouldn't say old fashion. I'd say the way you went about it was rather classy, and polite. :)
I hope everything works out great for you and Amy :)
i think everybody else said what i was thinking :thumbs:
That's great thenerdguy. Any thoughts on the way you will ask her?

And as a friendly advice of a married man: make it a special way of asking or you'll regret it :cheers:
...how long have you known her? You say several of months...!?!?
Look a little deeper and I think you will see it was him that invited you over to his place for an evening alone together. He clearly fancies you.

No seriously, nice one dude, wish you all the best.
weerat said:
Look a little deeper and I think you will see it was him that invited you over to his place for an evening alone together. He clearly fancies you.

haha lol....
See......thats where I'm screwed. My gf dosn't really know her dad all that well. And he isn't the greatest guy in the world, and he's been gone for most of her life. I've never met him at all. I guess I can ask her uncle. Well...one of them. One she's really close to and the other is the scary grandpa kind of guy. One that has lots of guns. I think I'll ask the nice one she's really close to.

But yeah...... I just got a job (finaly) so now I can save up to buy an engagement ring. I've been wanting to do that for a long time.

Anyway, Congrats man!
I sure hope your girlfriend doesn't know the addy to this site or your nick :p
thenerdguy said:
My gf's (Amy) dad (Bill) asked me to come over to the his house for supper. Well needless to say Bill and myself where the only people there.
(dont worry I wont post everything he said)
His main point was what my intentions where with his daughter. (We had a similar conversion when I asked his permission to date his daughter)

You asked permission to date his daughter? That's retarded. You don't need anyone's permission and neither does she. If this Bill character has an issue with it, tell him to go **** himself. Simple as that!
^^Troll detection device activated...ztttt... trolls detected! alert the proper authorities!

But seriously, I gotta say that was very smooth Nerdman, old-fashion and classy. Very nice! Enjoy your bachelor's party! :D
CB | Para said:
^^Troll detection device activated...ztttt... trolls detected! alert the proper authorities!

^^idiot detection device activated.....
Well as long as you dont build her a cake that looks like a wedding cake your fine :p
I can remember that one well.
Get back on topic CB | Para and Cybernoid.

thenerdguy - congratulations mate :) Best of luck to you and make sure you let us know how you get on :)
congratulations! all the best for the future :cheers:
it actualy shows alot of respect to ask the father, it may be old fashioned, but it will show him that you have alot of respect for him and it will make your relationship with him better because he will respect you as well.

congrats again mate :thumbs:
Well I could have just asked her if she wanted to go out and not say a thing to her father, But then I would be like any other buttwad that tried to date her. Becides I respect bill.
I mean if you had a daughter wouldnt you want to know what kind of low life is trying to date her?

I met Amy about 4 years ago when she was on vacation and went on a float trip and soneone flipped her canoe so I dove in after her when she didnt resurface. She had gotten trapped under the canoe and I was able to move the canoe off her and pull her back to the surface.

So I allready had the hero light when I moved to where I live now and we started to see each other.

Ill let you guys know how it goes. (Needless to say i will not be building the A64 system I wanted but hey who gives a crap, I love her)
Fat Tony! said:
Well as long as you dont build her a cake that looks like a wedding cake your fine :p
I can remember that one well.

Yeah I remember that too. One little missquote. :)
You've got the priviliege of a clean record to show to her dad.
Not like me.

Good luck anyways man!!!
Did you warn them of the hardships that might come?.....like HL2 coming out :p
Congratulations man!!! :cheers:

Hope it works out great for you. And I am sure it will. :)

Nerdmaaaan! Glad to hear it. :cheers:

You know one of the things a father wants to see is that his daughter's suitor is not some two faced sycophant. I have a sister and when the boys started a callin', he would be just stern enough to weed out the weak ones, but always respected the guys who could stand up to him as men. He later told me that he didn't trust the guys who were trying to be too nice, respectful yes, but not sycophantic.

Not sure why I said that.

Congrats and remember, women always try to change the men they love, but they'll stop loving you once they succeed. :)
Marriage just aint a good idea since you probably get divorced later on. Anyway, Maybe she says no cause you've only been dating for like 7 month or so.

Good luck anyway.
Zerox said:
Marriage just aint a good idea since you probably get divorced later on. Anyway, Maybe she says no cause you've only been dating for like 7 month or so.

Good luck anyway.

Yes good point about divorce Zerox. I think that as long as both families respect the marriage, there won't be problems even in divorce.
One thing that I always ask, whenever I hear these divorce horror stories is,
"where the hell is the girl's family to tell here to stop being a wench."

So the family is important and they must be behind the marriage, and if it fails, make sure that the divorce isn't unfair to either party.