I just noticed....


Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
In the interview with David Hodgson, he states:

The Raising the Bar book, however, is something Prima hopes to release 14-30 days PRIOR to the game shipping.

Now, I noticed on HOCP they posted a message that one of their buddies who works for for a national retailer, shows the very book that David Hodgson was talking about for sale on October 17th.

One of our buddies that works for a large national retailer says that they have what looks like a Half-Life 2 book, Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar, in their system right now with a street date of October 17, 2004 and a price of $29.99.

Also, Gamestop shows this book on sale starting October 6th. If David Hodgson is correct, then it looks like we can see the game sometime between October 20th and November 17th which pretty much falls inline with a lot of the speculation.

Anyway, I didn't see this posted, so no flames please if it was already up.
Hmm, I don't think it's set in stone. Let's wait and see. The Prima website lists the book as coming out in "November".
theres already a fluke here?


'sup UK :D
:) If that info is true, October whatever date you mentioned and November 17th is not "SOON", long...
Two months is soon. It'll fly past. Just think how quickly the last 18 months has passed.
We still get it in the end in 2004, I don't see why it matters what month it is. Time flies when you forget about it.
Chris_D said:
Two months is soon. It'll fly past. Just think how quickly the last 18 months has passed.

And now, the fact that the main mod for hl2.net posted in this thread to talk about how quickly 2 months will pass, makes me think even more that it will be a Novemeber release :p
Helevitia said:
And now, the fact that the main mod for hl2.net posted in this thread to talk about how quickly 2 months will pass, makes me think even more that it will be a Novemeber release :p

HL2.net moderators are in the same position as us, they have about the same amount of info as we do.
DiSTuRbEd said:
HL2.net moderators are in the same position as us, they have about the same amount of info as we do.

My personal opinion is that they tend to know more than you think. But in the end, I am just speculating, hence the :p after my last post.
Chris_D said:
Two months is soon. It'll fly past. Just think how quickly the last 18 months has passed.

It's past soon... The game was suppose to come out a year ago.
I can wait as long as i have to.. my computer is being shipped to me and wont get here til middle of next month so i'm not really worried bout it coming out a lil later than planned.

Cmon people, its Half-Life 2.. if you really love this game, you'd wait as long as it takes.. just be patient.
joshsmog said:
its passed soon was his point, jesus what the hell is wrong with you?
I agree, it is way past soon, and to be honest, I've been looking forward to HL2 through many false gold dates, and if i wait any longer, i'll give in and buy Fable. I may buy HL2, unless a better game comes out (i doubt it ;( ).
BTW: there's nothing wrong with him, he's just patient unlike us :p
haha the last 18 months have been terrible. i shudder just thinking about how long i've waited 8 )
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
:angry: the game better not come out in November :angry:

or else what? u won't buy it? :rolleyes:
anyway.. the original post seems to make some sense here.. but who knows really.. the business world doesn't always make sense :p
Chris_D said:
Two months is soon. It'll fly past. Just think how quickly the last 18 months has passed.

You mean the amount of time it takes for hell to freeze over?
UndercoverBob said:
they just get it first...with there myterious ways :eek:

Actually mostly we get the news before them. Looking at the front page, 7 out of the 8 news items give credit to a forum member.
Chris_D said:
Two months is soon. It'll fly past. Just think how quickly the last 18 months has passed.

Ugh. School just started for me. Dont think it will be passing fast at all :/
Well, we've waited this long. We're all used to it by now ;)
Chris_D said:
Well, we've waited this long. We're all used to it by now ;)

For sure. The problem for me isnt waiting its mainly not know a release date. Like for doom 3 they had a release counter of like 25+ days (dont remember exactly). Whatever its ok.
You know, I hadn't really thought about just how long we'd waited for this blasted game until now :sleep: 18 months... one and a half years... gaaaah.

I really hope we'll be seeing an early October release over November or later; sure, we've waited a damn long time already, but patience isn't really something I have left anymore :p
Edcrab said:
You know, I hadn't really thought about just how long we'd waited for this blasted game until now :sleep: 18 months... one and a half years... gaaaah.

I really hope we'll be seeing an early October release over November or later; sure, we've waited a damn long time already, but patience isn't really something I have left anymore :p

Iv been waiting since the 1st time i beat Half-Life 6 years ago :/

The real wait started with the pc gamer that announced. To lazy to check what date it was.
Edcrab said:
You know, I hadn't really thought about just how long we'd waited for this blasted game until now :sleep: 18 months... one and a half years... gaaaah.

I really hope we'll be seeing an early October release over November or later; sure, we've waited a damn long time already, but patience isn't really something I have left anymore :p

i know this has been said a few times before..but u think u have been waiting a long time for HL2? imagine how fans of DNF feel.. :p
Dr. Freeman said:
i know this has been said a few times before..but u think u have been waiting a long time for HL2? imagine how fans of DNF feel.. :p

Dude, they're long dead by now.
^lol @ long dead by now.

ahh whatever we waited for this long guys, we might as well wait couple of more months. By the time october comes around we will see a lot of hl2 material popup on sites and on magazines and it will make things more easier for us to wait the few weeks left for the release. On top of that gaming in november rules cause you got xmas not so far and thanksgiving, i also like the november weather :bleh:
Just to add to my theory, XfallenAngel5X posted a thread . In this thread he states that his new magazine, Game Informer, has a release for Vampire: Bloodlines of October 26th.

To me, this basically says that my initial estimate of Oct 20th - Nov 17th is pretty close to accurate. Maybe HL2 will show up the week prior on the 19th. Since most games and computer products get released on Tuesdays, it could very well be. Anyway, just doing some more speculating.