I just purchased Fallout3 GOTY edition for PC. Need some tips.

Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
I know Fo3 is old news, but since the GOTY edition was only $19.99, I figured I'd go ahead and give the PC version a try even though I've nearly completed the game and all it's DLCs on the 360. First of all, what can I expect from the PC version? Slighty better graphics? third party mods? I didn't have a good enough PC to run it before so my specs are: 2 gigs RAM, 3.0GHz dual-core AMD 64, Nvidia9800GT 512MB, and some generic on-board Rel-Tek audio sound chip. Will this be any good for running this game? In which order do I need to install the DLCs? Also, I don't really have a good monitor. I only have a 1440x900 Samsung. Will I need to crank up AA to compensate?
Your Pc should be able to run it fine at 1440x900. Turn on AA if you can, but honestly it will look crappy either way. The GOTY edition should handle all the DLC installs for you, if it doesn't then thats some lazy ass work by Bethesda.
I LOl'ed at that last statement, but thanks. BTW, would it still look crappy even with a better monitor or are you just saying my monitor sucks. Or both?
For the GOTY DLC you just click data files on the menu and check all the boxes... then they just pop up when you load your game. I just started playing it a few weeks ago so it's exciting for me.
I LOl'ed at that last statement, but thanks. BTW, would it still look crappy even with a better monitor or are you just saying my monitor sucks. Or both?

I'm saying its not a particularly good looking game in general.
I'm saying its not a particularly good looking game in general.

Fantastic art direction. Engine is not state of the art, but some landscape views and city sceneries are breath taking.
You need to get several mods.

Fallout Mod Manager is an essential, it handles all the stuff for you.

FO3Edit is a good idea for merged patches to reduce bugs and crashes

Martigen's Mutant Mod is a really good one, makes enemies much more interesting

Fallout Wanderer's Edition is a necessity, huge improvements to gameplay complexity and it's very easy to change settings of gameplay to taste. It also takes care of mods like CALIBR and CRAFT
that are a necessity for additional mods to function well.

NMC's Texture Pack is a good one for graphical improvements, replaces just about every enviro texture in the game. It's a HUGE improvement over Bethesda's lazy-ass texture work.

Project Beauty is also a good idea, it replaces a lot of the faces for those potato-faced autons that Bethesda has the balls to call characters.

Same goes for Fallout Re-Animated, does a good job fixing the broken animations for Fallout 3

Enhanced Weather Mod puts rain, snow and other weather into the game. It's great.

Fellout is a good mod, it removes that gross green fog and makes the nights truly dark and scary.
RWD mod - realistic weapons damage. So you know, headshots actually kill shit, any shit with the right gun (the 9mm pistol takes out most things except super mutants instantly). The magnum pretty much dominates.

Basic Needs mod - pretty much like New Vegas' hardcore mode, need to drink and eat and sleep.

Sprint mod - to run, uses AP.

I think there's a mod to stop weapon degradation too. I'd get that because the rate of weapon decay is ludicrous.
All great mod suggestions, thanks fellas. The only thing I'm concerned about though is GFWL. I forgot about Microsoft's distribution service.

I've done some research on it too and apparently not many people were happy with it. (I've never played a GFWL branded title before) Is it still a major pain in the ass like the reviews said it was? I hope not. I hate to know I've wasted $19.99 bucks. :/
GFWL was only annoying in GTAIV it didn't bother me in FO3 and I have the normal copy and the GOTY copy.
I don't know what I did but GFWL just stopped working one day for my FO3. Game and saves work fine though :)
Is GFWL in any danger of having it's plug pulled soon? I've heard rumors on the internet. Course it was just rumors. I don't care about any other GFWL branded game really. So long as Fo3 still works I'll be happy.
as long as Xbox live is around GFWL is here to stay I think.
I only have access to 512k speeds atm. Is that fast enough to download this game?
Well I mean, technically any speed is 'fast enough'... It'll get done eventually.

By 512k do you mean kilobits? If so, that's going to take quite a long time to download. If the game is 10gb, it would take like 4 days straight.

If you mean 512kbytes, then it'll take 1/8th of that time.
I think he means a half meg connection. Yeah, that's pretty slow.
Yeah, I meant 1/2 a MB per second. It's the best I've got for now.

I Wonder how long 10GB will take? Let's see... 2 seconds per MB, 60 seconds in an hour, 1024MB in 1 GB, 10GB, so....*brainstorm*
Yeah, I meant 1/2 a MB per second. It's the best I've got for now.

I Wonder how long 10GB will take? Let's see... 2 seconds per MB, 60 seconds in an hour, 1024MB in 1 GB, 10GB, so....*brainstorm*
Did you not read my post? And you misunderstood Deathmaster's post as well. I'm starting to doubt that you actually know how fast your own internet speed is.

1/2 MB per second is not bad at all. 10gb would take less than 6 hours.
A byte is 4 bits, Yeah I know. :P I really did mean 1/2 of a MB. Not Mb, or Kb.