I keep dieing in Link to the Past


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
How do you use the shield properly? Sometimes it blocks enemies attacks, but most of the time it acts as an ugly accessory. I just got the hookshot BTW "It extends, and contrancts and BOING". Hurray for innuendos.
The shield is mainly useful for blocking ranged attacks, dont rely on it in melee. Instead dodge the enemies weapons.
up up down down left right left right B A select start

right, in link to the past the sheild does nothing except protect you against ranged attacks. If you want to block melee attacks, hold out your sword.
Been playing this too, sort of. Got up to the dark world (or whatever) a couple weeks back and haven't picked it up again since really. I find the same thing happens for alot of older games. They'll hold my undivided attention for a while, but then I'll just lose interest at a certain point :P
Uh... yes there is.


There's only a start button, no select.

Unless you're calling the Z button a select button. :|
Wow, first the guy doesn't know how to use a shied in a zelda game. Then another guy doesn't know that Link to the Past is SNES. This new generation of gamers that grew up on counterstrike aren't the brightest bunch. :P
Wow, first the guy doesn't know how to use a shied in a zelda game. Then another guy doesn't know that Link to the Past is SNES. This new generation of gamers that grew up on counterstrike aren't the brightest bunch. :P
Link's Awakening was the first Zelda game I played so I assumed the shield would work similarly since they're supposed to be one of the pairs of games that go together.