i keep dreaming about teh zombie apocalypse


Feb 22, 2007
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not the first time ive dreamed about this.. and they are all super realistic when im dreaming too.. fkin kinda creepy. ( i also just woke up so sorry for the roughness of all of this)
yeah so here it is

im sittiing at 20th street and i see and hear these choppers flying *its dark btw*...
like a miltary choppers
*shinooks apaches and little birds blackhawks..*

then i see a jet crash next to the road when im driving
im like WTF?
so i get out and check it out and only 1 guy lived and he said f this im outta here as im on the fone with 911 (who didnt seem to care in the least bit.
and then this 2 1/2 ton truck full of Army men pulls up and im like.
uh.. can you guys tell me whats going on or is it classified.

and the guy looks me in the face a chuckles and says yeah..
but you dont wanna know.
so i ask should i just go home?
*then i look around and i see people running towards buildings with the doors closed**
and hes like uh.. yeah. and i then i asked if i should get some more bullets and he got all wide eyed
and said yes again

so then i get in the car and start out of the parking lot

as the zombies come and im running htem all over
and i can hear tornado sirens

damn i dream some crazy shit eh? And on that note we should all be ready for the zombie apocalypse anyways
we should make some zombie movies.
wed be rich!

oh and ive never seen resident evil.. or played through the game. i havnt seen anything zombie-esk in about a month.
it was really random
Tiny error: On the cover of the book, why the hell would they showcase/endorse using an M1 carbine? it's probably the most weakest you can use against the undead.
This is my obligatory post yet AGAIN voicing my disapproval of that book. It will not save you.
Tiny error: On the cover of the book, why the hell would they showcase/endorse using an M1 carbine? it's probably the most weakest you can use against the undead.


Obviously you have never killed a zombie...:angry:
The caliber of the rifle speaks for itself. You have to get up to 7.62, since the 5.56 won't really knock 'em down. The later variant of carbine, however, would be excellent for this; the M14.
This is my obligatory post yet AGAIN voicing my disapproval of that book. It will not save you.

I agree. I own the book and have it on my bookshelf in the event that the zombie apocalypse does come while I'm living here, but only because it MIGHT be correct. I'm inclined to disagree with most of it.

I have the US Army Survival Manual too, which I think will be more useful in that event.
I have a George R.R. Martin's A Feast for Crows at my side. I dont think I have to worry about a zombie invasion!
You DO, however, have to worry about blind little girls coming and stabbing you in the night.