I killed Dr. Kleiner

:D Nice glitch, keep it up
Unlike physgun punt, props who get thrown away by explosion or bullet force can still damage friendlies.

Dr.K, Eli and Dr.M only have 8 health points anyway :(
And I'm pretty sure Magnusson and Eli use exactly the same AI, since they don't do anything but talking. And Kleiner has the same just with his arms out infront of him.
And I'm pretty sure Magnusson and Eli use exactly the same AI, since they don't do anything but talking. And Kleiner has the same just with his arms out infront of him.

kleiner, mossman, breen, eli and magn have no AI.

The stuff they say and do are called scenes.vcd.
Wow, you're as bad as the Advisors!

Someone dig up that thread where the guy killed Grigory and took his shotgun, something similar happened there.
Dr. Kleiner touched me once. True story.

I once had it repressed, but counceling has since brought it to light, and I've faced it, and, well... I've moved on. I don't know if I've forgiven him, and now it seems it's too late.
Dr. Kleiner touched me once. True story.

I once had it repressed, but counceling has since brought it to light, and I've faced it, and, well... I've moved on. I don't know if I've forgiven him, and now it seems it's too late.
I love you so much. <3
Hahaha! I love it! Now, someone kill Eli... oh, wait. :(
Let us mourn the passing of Dr. Kleiner for the next ten minutes, before the Combine invasion force kills us all.
Why Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What did he ever do to you? You know, apart from teleport you to various dangerous locations, including the office of the head of the enemy, then refuse to OPEN THE ****ING WINDOW and send you again without lamar in the way, instead, making you walk miles through dangerous areas infested with armed men trying to kill you with nothing more than a motherfrickin crowbar? Oh, and forgetting that you don't have a map.
i was going to try to kill the G-man with the crossbow once but as soon as I used the zoom he walked away so I never got the chance. :(
i love killing Dr. Kleiner i always do (but then again i always kill everyone :devil:), but iv never seen him get killed by a cactus before!! Good Job :smoking:

(im surprised no one has said "good going ya mingebag noob!" yet.
Mingebag is usually used in Garry's Mod.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but this section is titled "Half Life 2: Episode Two"
yes i know, i was jest referring/mocking the douch bags that cant make a coherent sentence without insulting some one with the word noob on forums.
B-but... who will take care of Lamarr now?

At first he was afraid
He was petrified
Not knowing how to move
Without a head to ride
You might worry how he'll be fed
Now that his master's gone and dead
But he grows strong
Now he knows how to crawl along

Soon he'll be back
From Outer Space
Getting ready to zombify
All of the human race
Cause when you launched that stupid rock'
What you probably didn't see
Is that that little pesky headcrab
Rewired the electricity

Go on now go
Fly to the moor
When you reach those northern lights
There'll be one fatal flaw
Turns out the cable's he's been chewing
With his ugly debeaked jaw
Just happens to connect the sat power
To the Xenian resonator

But he won't fry
He will survive
Not quite as long as G-Man
But much longer than Eli
He's got all the world to kill
Alyx will probably fit the bill
'Cept she wont die
She's friendly fire

By my calculations, you just won 0.64 internets with that marvellous piece!
Points for the awesome song, but next time remember Lamarr is a girl. Heheh.