I made a trailer for Half-Life 2

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Sep 1, 2009
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I really love movie trailers. They always just make whatever movie they're advertising look epic.
I've said before that the Half-Life series would make an amazing movie(s).

If Half-Life 2 was a movie, this is what I imagine would be the trailer.

I advise you check it out. A few days of work were put into it and it's been received really well on the steam forums.


[strike]The "Over the Rainbow" bit in the beginning is a bit overused. But everything else was pretty good.[/strike]

Your a phony! A big fat phony!
ummm this has been posted like over a year ago and you are a sham!!
yeah not too bad. but there were a few bits you shouldn't have done, like the music was all wrong, and there were a few problems with the talking.

Edit: hang on? why is this in the EP3 forum?
ummm this has been posted like over a year ago and you are a sham!!
It was uploaded six days ago...

And I say good effort, but the "Over the Rainbow" and Sigur Ros song are huge cliches for movie trailers or movies in general, so it was hard to take it seriously. I love Sigur Ros, but I really loathe that one song that seemed to be played in all movie trailers last year.
What. The. ****.
I made this in June. E3 2009 was coming up and I anticipated Valve to reveal Half-Life 2: Episode Three. So I made this.
So you made this in June 2009, did you? That's so weird that somebody managed to make the exact same movie on Gametrailers over two years ago then.

I'm going to give you 24 hours to come up with a damn good reason not to ban you. Tick tock, mate.
Every time I see this trailer it makes me want to play hl2 again. It's very old though, you didn't make it and you are full of shit, so shame on you.
I think I actually remember seeing this trailer a year or two ago, especially since I recall hearing the "Over the Rainbow" song at the beginning of the video.

Conclusion: YOU ARE A PHONY!
I think I've been more than generous in allowing him a 23 hour grace period to explain himself. Seeing as he was online two hours ago and still no response, I'm pulling the plug.

Get the **** outta my forums.
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