i need a better computer



i no extremely, very little about computers, but i do know that mine isn't very good. I just read this article that said that with my geforce 2, my HL2 experience would suk. I don't know what i should get or do?
Well, first wait for HL2 to come out, after that get youself 9800 pro and enjoy your life :)
Depends on how much money you have to spend.

P.S. This is in the wrong forum
yeah i've heard a lot about having well fairly awesome and expensive video cards to run this game maxed...i dont even know if i can :( guess I'll have to wait til it comes out.....
Gonna upgrade my comp as well, but not just yet. I'll buy parts 3-4 weeks before HL2 comes out and im willing to spend 600-700$.
Ppl, is an AMD XP 2200+ really faster than my P4 1.8mhz?
Hendrix, it also depends on what processor and RAM you have.
If you have a 700MHz cpu and 128mb RAM and $500, i would get an AthlonXP, half a gig of DDR RAM and a less-expensive DX9 card as opposed to a top-of-the-line DX9 card that will blow all your cash.
Originally posted by 3DDuL
Ppl, is an AMD XP 2200+ really faster than my P4 1.8mhz?
It's much faster as it runs at 1.73GHz and has a PR rating of over 2.5GHz (probably equal to a P4 2.4GHz, depending on how bandwidth-limited the app is you're running

btw someone bought a Powercolor 9800pro for $350 (retail) with 7 games and cables, plus with 2.7ns Samsung RAM, so there are plenty of deals out there if you look hard enough
i'm sorry for this ignorant question but what kind of pentium would an athlonxp 2800+ be?
Originally posted by Redjackel
i'm sorry for this ignorant question but what kind of pentium would an athlonxp 2800+ be?
it's a very good question... almost a P4 3GHz (C-core or not); however this is subjective because every benchmark is different and yield results that favor both
AMD, the rival to Intel in the consumer CPU market produces the Athlon XP Processor. Intel produces the Pentium 4 and Celeron processors for consumer use.

An Athlon XP 2800+ is comparable to a P4 2.8ghz (though the Athlon performs better in games generally).

I guess this post should be moved to the general hardware forum.
Originally posted by Zyphria
AMD, the rival to Intel in the consumer CPU market produces the Athlon XP Processor. Intel produces the Pentium 4 and Celeron processors for consumer use.

An Athlon XP 2800+ is comparable to a P4 2.8ghz (though the Athlon performs better in games generally).

I guess this post should be moved to the general hardware forum.
I'm guessing the hardware forum is still close to dead, that's why he posted here instead to get some answers

also, don't forget the Opterons and A64s! (can't wait to try it out in UT2k4/5 with support for it)
Yeah it will, but I'm sure there will be something slightly better out by then.