I need a definition


Jan 23, 2004
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A question..I know there is a word for this but I can't quite think of it..here's the question....what do you call a person who always has to answer a question or say a statement always by describing a scene in a movie or a TV show? For example:

Me: I had a really bad day today

My friend: Oh ya..just like that time on family guy where at christmas time they crashed the house and etc. etc. etc.

I need a word for that because it's getting anoying...Plus I need a word to label him with ;)
I believe the word is "loser" lol jk ummm....televisionaholic? lol?
Don't think there's a word for it. Invent one. Call Webster's.
poo-poo sack ;)
personthatalwaysrelatestotvshows ;)
dookie head ;)
dumbo ;)
smelly ;)
family guy freak ;)
potty mouth ;)
I don't think there'd be a word for it... but rather a phrase.

Of which I do not know. Make one up.