I need a instructions on how to unlock a those 4 pipes on a 6800


Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Ive got this thing
NVT tweak but I cant find one there can some tell the tool and give instructions how to do it?
Don't bump your thread just one hour after it has been made. Be patient, or you might find it will close as if by magic.
Asus might know the answer.

Wait for him.
Asus knows everything, he probably knows how to turn it into a x850 XT, too.
Guru3d.com = good place to answer hardware questions.

Good luck!
I have the Rivatuner but I cant fugure out where that stupid option is to unlcok the pipes

*edit* wow this looks dangerous I cant break anything can I?
Just remember, that if you don't know exactly 100% what your doing, don't even attempt this mod.
Whether you unlock the pipes through a program, or flash the bios and solder bridges on the card, You will invalidate your warranty, and possibly damage the card.
If your gonna flash the bios of the card, you will need a PCI VGA card, for backup, incase the flash goes wrong.
Having the card will enable you to reflash the 6800 to its original bios.
Try googling "bios flashing 6800" or "unlock 6800 pipes" and see what comes up.
I did the same mod to my 5900XT, It's default clocks were 390/700.
I was able to clock the card on its original HSF to 450/800, but I knew there was more to come, since the card has 2.2ns Hynix ram.
I flashed the card with a Leadtek 5900 bios, And the card displayed horrible artifacts in windows.
I reflashed the original bios.
Downloaded the program, X bios editor, Created a custom bios, with defaults of 450/800, Changed some voltages for the gpu and memory, then flashed the card.
After adding a custom cooler (an old athlon XP hsf) that I modified myself, I was able to get upto 480/850.
Its still running at that 6 months on.

Here it is in all its glorious madness!



So the mods can be done, but there is an element of risk.
Screw it up, and bye bye card!
Get it right, and you could get twice the power for half the cost, just like me, Cos I paid £120 new for this card a year or so ago, and at that time the 5900Ultra was on the same clocks ( as mine now) but more than twice the price.
I dont what I did but I clicked something then restarted my PC now I get 20-30fps more in CSS so I guess I didnt break anything and It worked even thoe I didnt know what I was doing
you've been lucky then, but if you start getting any weird problems or artifacts either in windows or in games, then put the card back to defaults, A standard live card, is better than an unlocked dead one.
Lemonking said:
whats a artifact?

If you have to ask that, then maybe this isn't the best thing to do buddy. Even though you've already done it :p

It's when you start getting like these white looking pixels on your screen.
or the image starts to blur, or some parts of the screen dont change. Youll know it when you see it, its like nothing else.
this may be off topic but I have a 6800nu clocked at 380/380 and when I play farcry for a while, it sometimes freezes. I checked what the problem was and it was my core downclocking to 350 stock speeds.

I have rivatuner and 3d performance and 2d performance are both at 380 but low power 3d is at 350.... but I cant move the slider and I think thats the problem. any Ideas?

edit: my temperature when it downclocked was at 82c.
my card idles around 51c

Edit:I just saw the overclocking thread maybe I should post there....
The only way around this is a custom bios, X bios editor might do it.
Whats happening is that when the card gets to a certain temperature or a certain clock, it defaults back to its original settings, The only way around this is a custom bios that increases the setting that you hit before it defaults.
Mine was set at 750 for the memory, Now its 860, thus even if the card gets too a certain temp, it won't default, since I've bypassed the defaults in the new bios.
Just make sure you have good cooling like mine, otherwise you risk frying the card.
I see, where can I get this bios for the video card? And is there some kind of risk in flashing this card?

I am not planning to overclock my card anymore, I thinks its already good enough for me.