I need a litle help whit a grammar corrector


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
I got banned from the same site again for "uncomprensible posts"

so ther eis some kind of orthography checker or tanslator?

so next time I post and the post is "uncomprensible" the translator is to blame

btw there isnt some kind of ytmnd or what ever themed like "spelling nazi" or something like that,is for the sig
Well, here are some tips. By no means is mine perfect. First of all, please for the love of god use a full stop more than once. Also try putting it through Microsoft Word or something before pressing Send.
Also try putting it through Microsoft Word or something before pressing Send.
That might confuse him more...

I say the best solution is practice and time. If you want us to correct your mistakes here on the forum, we'll gladly do it. You'll eventually learn, there's no instant solution, and you wouldn't really be learning very well if there was.
You can get a spell-checker/dictionary add-on for firefox now, try that.
doesnt bother me too much. was that site living with style perhaps?
doesnt bother me too much. was that site living with style perhaps?

is a car forum

but even someone in that forum told me I dont type so bad so I dont understand

or maybe the moderator is racist,I remnber there was some racist dumbass there blaming me and all the latinamericans for his drug addiction problem,and maybe become a moderator

EDIT:and where I get the spell checker?
If you want us to correct your mistakes here on the forum, we'll gladly do it.

And I'll start with this:

"so ther eis some kind of orthography checker or tanslator?"

So is there some kind of orthography checker or translator?

"so next time I post and the post is "uncomprensible" the translator is to blame"


"btw there isnt some kind of ytmnd or what ever themed like "spelling nazi" or something like that,is for the sig"

btw is there some kind of ytmnd or whatever themed "spelling nazi" or something like that, it's for my sig

EDIT:and where I get the spell checker?

Well how about Google toolbar. that has a spell checker...
I don't think there's anything wrong with your spelling. You know how to spell, but you just type too fast.

so ther eis some kind of orthography checker or tanslator?
You know how to spell every word in this sentence, but for some reason you still spell them wrong. You even spelt "translator" correctly in your very next sentence.
You can get a spell-checker/dictionary add-on for Firefox now, try that.
the newest version of FF has a spell checker and dictionary built i n. i think it would be in your best interest to just learn it instead of looking for an easy way out. it would help you a great deal in the long run. your typing isn't incomprehensible it just lacks a few things here and there.
Maybe find a good translator for the language you speak, and just type your posts in the translator in your native language, translate it to english, and post it?

Not sure how that'd work. most translators suck.
i dunno.. it helped me pass my online spanish classes... heh

It depends on how good the translator is. Most translators have the fatal error that they translate individual words from one language to the other without taking into count the context with hilarious results:laugh: .
First thing to do is try to type/spell correctly. Use interpunction and capitals.
I don't think there's anything wrong with your spelling. You know how to spell, but you just type too fast.
I agree, just take it slower.
the newest version of FF has a spell checker and dictionary built in.
Combined with this, it could really improve your posts.

One mistake I see you make regularly, which is even in this thread title is that you spell 'with' as 'whit'. I'm sure it's harder to learn a language incorrectly than correctly.

If you correct your spelling and grammar, I will kill this mother****ing kitten. Don't push me, man. I believed in you :(
I'll contribute to Remus' teachings and correct RJMC's common mistakes:

"whit" = "with"

"hav" = "have"
Please don't fix him, it's more funny this way.
yeah, but he doesn't make a living as a clown.

RJMC, like unfocused said, with not whit, have not hav. I think you could benefit from using fuller sentences with punctuation, like this.

rather than

typing like this

it looks more like youre talking than writing

I mean, it's easier but it can easily look very inconsistent and messy to the people reading it.
Nooo! Take everything else, but don't make RJMC spell "whit" properly.
Just download FireFox 2.0 and it will underline everything you type wrong. Then you can just right click on the word, and select the correctly spelled word.
It really isn't that hard to spell things right, even in a foreign language. And that would be a start. :p
I wouldn't worry too much about your spelling and grammar on a gaming forum anyway.
I have to say, though, that the first posts RJMC made when he first joined were almost impossible to understand. Your english has improved dramatically, RJMC!