I need a new game!

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Recommend me some fun DM-style games :)

I've tried Q3, tried UT 2003/2004 (any mods for UT would be cool)

Tried DMC (Didn't like it :p )

I like HLDM, Op4DM and AG (suck at AG :p )

Sorta fast-type game :)

Thanks in advance :D
Ya same here. Use toplay hldm opfdm ag all the time. Sucks they died.

Painkiller has really good dm but it died also.
Doom 3 has good dm but its slow.
No, it's dead. You've just failed to see it.. :p

Dunno, guess you should try out Jedi Knight 2 or Jedi Academy. Perhaps play a MMOFPS like Planetside?
The Specialists DM

Faster than Op4 and alot more skill involved.
Dalamari said:
The Specialists DM

Faster than Op4 and alot more skill involved.

I dunno about that..

Have you actually played Badge at OpfDM

Its a pretty crazie game....

(And yes. I have played the specialists...) :)
Painkiller is good for those "I gotta shoot something right now" moments.
qckbeam said:
Painkiller is good for those "I gotta shoot something right now" moments.

i think its more for those "i gotta shoot something, dip my gun in its blood and run around blasting it's intestines at the walls with ridiculously large but incrediply satisfying holy weapons and wooden sticks- RIGHT NOW" moments.
Thats not really the point, you may be the more skilled player, but it would take more of your skill to play the game.

(Whether that is true doesn't matter, but that is what I believe he was trying to say)

Tribes Vengenge is pretty good actually. Have you tried Alien Versus Predator 2? Survival, with Humans against Aliens is great. Every time a human dies, they become an alien, and so for the set time you get an unrelenting horde of nasty creatures that grows with each allied casualty.
ComradeBadger said:
Op4DM is alive and kicking!

13 servers 2-6 people in servers probably some bots. Thats a dead game to me :/
I also want a new game. I wan't something...good..

Some nice chap here will buy me one yes? ;)
ComradeBadger said:
Mentioned that in a previous post ;)

Oh, and anyone saying theres less skill involved..

... 1 on 1 meh :)

Yeah, I played Badger before. The score?

Me = 3-78

Badger = 129354814124 - 0

How does he do it!? Obviously its teh Haxs!@!1!

[SARCASM]Mild exageration may exist in this story[/SARCASM]
[20:33] <Axyon> Do you challenge every person that disagrees with you to a duel?

ComradeBadger said:
[20:33] <Axyon> Do you challenge every person that disagrees with you to a duel?


Haha...Its true! :p

It seems "wanna one on one" has in this case, replaced the glove :O
there REALLY should be a command linked to /slapwithdualingglove. oh my gad, someone make a funny flash cartoon to put in my sig involving "youve been slapped" and a giant glove :LOL:
get counter-Strike:Source
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :frog:
ComradeBadger said:
Mentioned that in a previous post ;)

Oh, and anyone saying theres less skill involved..

... 1 on 1 meh :)

have u tried Half Life Elite?
i haven't but heard its DM style...with the best of the best DM players.
ComradeBadger said:
Fair point, but I don't like full servers :)

Call Of Duty is fun with any number of players :D

Within reasonable limits... depending on the map...
Badger, me and you need to setup a 2on2 vs some people, I want to team with you in a few games :) op4 that is ;)
Dist, I've challenged 40k, so yeah, if you wanna team up, gimme a shout sometime :D
wait... men of valor, halo 2, san andreas ant TONS MORE late this month and next month is HUGE for all areas of gaming!
hmmm Call of Duty United offesive, infact i got a server ip right here to a swedish server, Me and my friends are playing there almost every day my nick is -={CAR}=--->Fallout.

No need for a real cd-key becase the server dosent require that :devil: