I Need A Simple Problem Solved Using Hammer!!!


Nov 18, 2004
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Im new to map making, the first attemt to map was useing the video tutorial by ichII3d i think the name was and he showed you how to make a basic room, well i made a map with that turned out to be ok, having learned basic lighting and how to make curved objects like a curved corner. so anyway the question is when i makeing a hl2 map i wanted to add some detail like awnings and pipes (models/props_c17/Gasmeter003a.mdl), am I supposed to place them in hammer as a prop_detail? because thats what I tried and when I compiled and ran it i just got a big error sign where i placed my object.

also if I want to place a barrel or sumthing that i can interact with like shooting it what kind of entity does it have to be?
the prop type you use depends on the model.

For example your awning would be a prop_static
a barrel would usually be a prop_physics
got it thx, what about if I wanted to place a dead ragdoll? prop_physics also?

edit: how do you change the skybox image and how do I go about adding buildings to the skybox?
how do you change the skybox image and how do I go about adding buildings to the skybox!!! please help.
This is the quick and dirty way:

1)Make a big solid brush covering all of your map, hollow it, and then ungroup it.
2)Select the sides that you want to be a sky and then apply the tools/toolskybox texture to those sides.
3)Goto map>Map Properites>Skybox texture name and type in a texture.
Here is a list of skybox textures and a pic to go with them.
(change the 3 to o)

Speaking of which, does halflife2.net have a list of skytextures?
thnx bro appreciate it, yeah I would make a big box around it and apply the skybox tool/texture and when I ran it, it would just do the default "wasteland" texture (i think thants what its called) anyway, I just needed to know how to change the sky image, so thnx!