I need a song


Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score

Im making a seige map, you know the kind.

I need a song to add to it, something that wil enhance the "last stand" type feeling, fight to the last man kinda stuff.

Any ideas?
carmina burana

used many times in a looooooooooot of movies/ games..
How about the Starship troopers klendathu drop music..?
Like I just told you in Xfire, Rob D - Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Mix)
It's gotta be ****ing EXTREEEEEEME.

Hey, if you wanna get on the classical side of style for your CS:S map, try Vivaldi - Winter or Bach - Fungue and Tocatta, sweet songs
If you were looking for the old Irish/English heroic fight to the end kind of thing you could use "The Blood of Cuculan". I am pretty sure that is not the way you spell it, but it was the Irish music at the beginning of Boondock Saints if you are familiar with it. Has kind of a old world we'll fight to the end kind of feel, but then again not really sure what style of music you are looking for.
nothing says suspension of disbelief and fight to the death like rolf harris' tie me kangaroo down.
Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away

it was in Halo 2, and the way they put it in was beautiful.:sniper:
ooo i cant remember wat its called but i know this reli kl 1 il ask my bro i think it might be in a bit of the matrix or sumthing.;) ask him wen he wakes up
The best music for that is still O Fortuna, from the Russian Army Choir.