I need holiday recommendation!

Aug 26, 2004
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Me and a few other mates want to go to a cold holiday resort then a hot holiday resort in the space of two weeks, not being too expensive.

We'd like to spend the first week somewhere skiing then the second somewhere hot by the beach preferably.

I know you'd have some good ideas so please let us know! Thanks alot!
Ibiza. Just because someone else suggests it. Or go to a large country, one with a wide variety of temperatures.

You could go for a tropical heat, somewhere like South America, or go for a relaxed resortish heat, somewhere like America/Ibiza, or a desert heat, somewhere like Africa.

And then again you have different coldynesses. You could go for a resort cold, going to a ski resort, or somwhere remote cold, like the antarctic, or somewhere ordinary cold, like Russia. Or just stay in the UK :D.
Search along the French/Italian border, book into a cheap lodge somewhere and ski for a week, get pissed in local bars etc. then travel down along the Italian coast and reap all the benefits of a beach holiday. Simple enough!
Yeah, I'd probably suggest a southern European holiday. Switzerland or Austria being my cold choice and then Italy or Greece being the hotter one.
The Italian border holiday sounded really good. But the big problem is that we want to go in summer and the ski resorts shut and / or are pretty crap by then.

So what two week holiday in summer do you think would be good? One week spent somewhere and the next somewhere else whilst all being relatively cheap?

Thanks again :bounce:
If you want to go somewhere with a ski resort during summer, you'd have to find somewhere on the other hemisphere, or up further north. So somewhere like Greenland etc. Not sure how good they are with ski resorts though.
I hear New Zeeland is good for both skiing and swimming/surfing etc.