I need quarters!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
I've gotta do laundry, somebody give me like $2 in quarters! :(
Will you dance first?

Oh....and......I also require your first born child.
melt the fillings in your teeth down and shape them into quarters.
Skaadi said:
Will you dance first?

Oh....and......I also require your first born child.
You can have em ;)

But I'm good, I scavanged behind the computer desks, and found $2.25 in quarters! I'm good to go!
Damnit you just reminded me. I forgot to do my laundry and now I'm gonna have to wear a bathing suit tomorrow instead of boxers, or something.
Nat Turner said:
Damnit you just reminded me. I forgot to do my laundry and now I'm gonna have to wear a bathing suit tomorrow instead of boxers, or something.

Just wear the oldest dirty pair you have...the smell should have left it and its good for another day!
I think it's best that any extra monetary donations should go toward me.
Skaadi said:
Will you dance first?

Oh....and......I also require your first born child.
Just want to point out, I have managed to acquire someone's first born child for a pencil. One of my best deals. Also 3 souls, respectively for a hot pocket, $1, and permission to copy my math homework.
I sold my soul for 45 cents in school years ago. When the chick graduated, she gave it back to me. <3 I'll forever call her master.

Actually, I did during school every time I saw her. People got weird ideas of some kinkyness involved...:naughty:
Damn you, you found the cleverly hidden money. Now no Cyberpitz nekkid dancing. :(
I don't have quarters but I have alot of LOCKS! LOLROFLKEKEKE!