I need some advice on video cards please


Sep 18, 2004
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Hi I was just thinking about upgrading my video card and did some internet browsing and I was mighty surprised. I have a shitty GeForce FX5200 (AGP) right now and I saw some websites with the GeForce 6800 in AGP. Is there a significant performance drop in the 6800 AGP version? Also would it be worth upgrading my graphics card if I have an AGP motherboard? Also if it's woth upgrading what kind of video cards would you recommend. I'm pretty poor so I'm talking in the 200 Canadian dollar range if possible. Thanks for your time.
If I was you, I would save that money for a new motherboard with a pci-e slot, and a 7900 gt. There is a large performance difference between AGP and PCI-E.
The best you can do is either buy an X850XT AGP or upgrade your mobo and buy an X1800XT. Both will give insane performance boosts compared to your current card, but I really suggest you buy the X1800XT if your pocketbook allows that =>
TCfromBN said:
If I was you, I would save that money for a new motherboard with a pci-e slot, and a 7900 gt. There is a large performance difference between AGP and PCI-E.
No, if he gets a new mobo, he needs a new cpu + ram too. It will be more in the range of 700 USD. What he needs is a 6600gt or a 6800GS. And there is no noticable difference between AGP and PCIe, today's cards don't use the full AGP bandwith yet. There is a difference in the cards that are available for AGP and PCIe, in which PCIe has a better price/performance ratio.
The Brick said:
No, if he gets a new mobo, he needs a new cpu + ram too. It will be more in the range of 700 USD. What he needs is a 6600gt or a 6800GS. And there is no noticable difference between AGP and PCIe, today's cards don't use the full AGP bandwith yet. There is a difference in the cards that are available for AGP and PCIe, in which PCIe has a better price/performance ratio.

you dont know the other components so you cant know if he needs a new cpu or ram
Well I doubt he has a socket 939 board, which is the best to buy atm, with AGP support. And if he has, he doesn't need a new one anyway.
I've got a Asus A7n8x which unfortunetaly is socket A. I also have only 512mb ram and a athlon xp 2500+ processor. So I'm a bit outdated.
Well the best choice would be another 512mb ram and a geforce 6800GS.
just wait til Xmas man,til the DX9 comes out. buying one now will be a waste of money.
Yeah indeed it is, and about DX10, a new dx10 card wouldn't fit in his mobo or suit his cpu. 512Mb ram and a new midrange vidcard would certainly be a good idea to buy.
my advice: don't upgrade untill DX10 hits,

buy PCI-E motherboard + DX10 card by early next year

AGP is dead..... :x
Yeah it's better to wait if you have alot of money. But he said he only has about $160 (USD).
Gorgon said:
my advice: don't upgrade untill DX10 hits,

buy PCI-E motherboard + DX10 card by early next year

AGP is dead..... :x

what I said :P
I made a huge mistake by not switching to PCI-E when I bought my computer a year ago. I thought it was some kind of silly fad :x
I ended up breaking my 6800 gt when installing a new heatsink + fan onto it so I was forced to get a new graphics card. Go with a 7800gs as it is the best agp card out there from nvidia.
Gorgon said:
my advice: don't upgrade untill DX10 hits,

buy PCI-E motherboard + DX10 card by early next year

AGP is dead..... :x

Why is AGP dead? I heard some other guy say that they haven't been able to use AGP's full bandwidth yet. Are they just not well made or are they getting close to being overloaded and being rendered obsolite?
colson said:
Why is AGP dead? I heard some other guy say that they haven't been able to use AGP's full bandwidth yet. Are they just not well made or are they getting close to being overloaded and being rendered obsolite?
its dead because companys arent really supporting it anymore and pci-e can do so much more then just 16x bandwidth