I need some help!!!*Dedicated Server*


Jul 7, 2003
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I need some help with the dedicated server stuff.

I need to figure out how to set stuff up the way I want it.

Basically...........ALL I want to do is me Admin in my The Specialists server.

OK............now do i HAVE to dl one of those admin programs? I downloaded Adminmod, and that thing didn't help. I dont want to do all this crazy stuff, I just want to set some things in the game, that usually you can do if you set up one of those temp servers. Like choosing to have the long jump on (THATS ALLLLLLL I REALLY WANT!!!!!)

Is there any way to do this in game? Or to have some form of admin controle over the server without having to DL all this crap?

Or is there a really easy to use admin mod type thing?

Well, if you just want control over in-built commands, e.g. mp_friendlyfire

Then you can issue commands from the dedicated server console if it's running on a machine you have physical access to, or you could use rcon. Set the rcon password in the server config files, then use rcon_password password in the client, and then prefix any command you want to have run on the server with rcon in the client console.

So, if you'd set the password to "testpass", in the client console you'd be able to do this:

rcon_password testpass
rcon sv_gravity 400
rcon say "Low gravity!"

And the gravity would change, and it would look like the server had said "Low Gravity!".
Ok....i thought the RCON thing could be used like that. I guess now I just need to figure out commands for TS.

Any time I start my own dedicated server, it starts with the high jump off...........and I want that shit on!!!

And once RCON was on I'd be able to use nextmap and everything like that right?

[edit] What does rcon say do? Is that like admin say kinda thing?[/edit]
Yeh, rcon changelevel to change level.

rcon say makes a chat message appear, but it looks like the server itself is saying it rather than you.
Ok cool.................. now find me a TS command list!!! BAH!