I never knew the AI was That good!


The Freeman
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
The part of Ravenholm where you have to ride the big elevator into the street. I felt safe that I had locked the fast zombies out and boarded up the door, then I find out they're smart enough to break in through the glass roof! I expected them to just sit outside.
Yeah, that was a great moment when I played the game for the first time too.
Amazing did they just ignore the crates and attack you for some reason:D
Great moment, scared the crap outta me. Only found on Hard difficulty too.

Its weird really. a half rotten guy with a headcrab latched to his cranium can solve a simple problems like a door, but alyx rufused to realise i had just shot mossman for her betrayal.
therfore, i had to reload and let the cheeky tart live.
that was well done, I was laughin at them when I shut the door in their face, I thought I was safe and had out smarted them, lol I was wrong.
I swear, ive played the likes of Doom 3, Resident Evil and all those other 'scary' games, but NOTHING has made my heartrate race as high, or make me scream and shake the mouse so much as those bloody things.

The speed, and the SCREAM! AHHHH! I do the whole spray and pray thing where you move the mouse around quickly and franticly click, praying to kill them. Then like you say, they come through the glass roof and i just want to close my eyes and die lol.
I was playing Half Life 1 the other day for the first time, stoned as hell, crawled through a vent and I was on my way. Didn't expect anything to happen, then 3 headcrabs were in my face. Nothing too scary, just made me jump crucially. The part that got me the most was in Half Life 2 when I was climbing the rocks on my way to Nova Prospekt. I had pretty much no health, but I thought I was homefree due to the crucial climb I had to do. Figured health was layed out up there. I got to the final rock and the second i jumped up, there was one of the fast screaming zombies mid-jump, whacked my ass right off the rocks. Scared the shit outta me.
LOL I love ducking and watching him go flying off the edge...you apparently forgot to duck :p
You're all pussies. First time I played HL2 I stood on that roof, and shot down until all of those screamers were dead.
Yeah, I thought I'd outsmarted them by closing the door... suddenly there's like three of them surrounding me, I look up, and then notice the skylight. :D

In part of Route Kanal / Water Hazard, there's a pipe off to one side that you can go get supplies from. First time I noticed it, I went in, not expecting anything, BAM, screaming zombie jumps out of the water. I literally almost jumped out of my seat, and I didn't even have the sound on.
lol yeah i was playing through Ravenholm in a third run through of the game, knew everything that happened by the fast zombie crashing through the ceiling window, i didn't expect at all, gave me a big jump lol
Encountered this in the first run, even on 'easy' skill level.
I really like screamers, I wasn't particullary suprised by the skylight thing, I'd noticed it before and put 2 and 2 together. But I swear I forget about them when I'm getting to Nova Prospect every time! The AI is good, though, one time when crossing the area in front of the combine nexus in Follow Freeman, when closing in on a building I figured I'd get to the door, open, mow down soldiers with Pulse Rifle, but instead several feet away the combine opened the door, divided, one went to my right, one to my left totally spraying me with their rifles. I was dead without killing either of them.
The Nova Prospekt cliff zombie is a rather obvious reference to the giant cliff in HL1, on Surface Tension, pipes and all.
I was climbing higher and higher, not looking down, everything went completely still, I saw the pipe, thinking "whew, that's over!" and then the headcrab shot right out the moment I came to the pipe.

Holy hell was I spooked!
Only the Snarks managed to scare me more, in their first appearance, in that little vent.
Yah both the Ravenholm and Nova Prospekt incidenses scared me. The fast zombies appearence and scream are creepy enough but the thing that unnerves me the most is when you can hear their snarls but you cant see them. Thats what happened in Ravenholm for me, closed the door, though "Jesus I can still hear them", then CRASH! through the skylight the come. Only game that has scared me that badly before is F.E.A.R.
Behind every crate, around every corner... Those little bastards. I want to switch the sound of the fast zombie with the head crabs. :S
If you want a skary game then i recommend Alien vs. Preadator, that's the only game that ever made me jump off my chair.
Yeah, I thought I'd outsmarted them by closing the door... suddenly there's like three of them surrounding me, I look up, and then notice the skylight. :D

In part of Route Kanal / Water Hazard, there's a pipe off to one side that you can go get supplies from. First time I noticed it, I went in, not expecting anything, BAM, screaming zombie jumps out of the water. I literally almost jumped out of my seat, and I didn't even have the sound on.

Haha, same thing happened to me, except way too loud.
This one time when I was playing the Substance mod, at the beginning of Nova Prospekt; you know, the part with the stairwells, shin-deep water and that silo/tank you can go on and move across to skip that little area. Anyway, I attempted to jump on it but instead fell down, I then came face to face with an icthyosaur (however it wasn't an NPC, just an "effect"/prop) and I jumped up in my chair accompanied by a loud, startled scream. That had to be my most frightening moment in the Half-Life universe. Oh if only you could see me...
If you want a skary game then i recommend Alien vs. Preadator, that's the only game that ever made me jump off my chair.

Doom 3 managed to do that to me only once and it wasn't because of a monster, I was walking down a hallway and a steam pipe burst and sent part of the floor flying, then I went flying, and so did my wireless mouse.
you call this scary..i actullay din bother to kill the fast zombies and just jumped down without taking the elevator..the result: 10 fast zombies and one poison zombie. scared the balls out of me...
you call this scary..i actullay din bother to kill the fast zombies and just jumped down without taking the elevator..the result: 10 fast zombies and one poison zombie. scared the balls out of me...

That takes balls.
How much damage did you take?
fighting them all isnt too bad, it's seeing them coming at you, and your desperation thats scary, not the actual fighting, for me anyway.
Nothing better than a dark coridor, only emergency lights glowing from the walls. You come to a dead end, a heavy door stands here, an airlock. It's locked, but you come closer, you hear some creepy scratching and growling of an unknown monster on the other side. You try your hacking device to open it, but in vain. your nerves are streched to the limit. And just when you turn around to get back, you make a few steps and suddenly the shaft above you (which you haven't noticed) opens and a xenomorph leaps on your head with a howl... the next thing is you pressing secondary fire in havoc (grenade launcher) wasting both the alien and yourself. If you're lucky you might also score a new world record of flying computer hardware (mouse keyboard, office chair, e.t.c) :E
What I like about HL2 is if you make a big mistake, the AI will destroy you. So you can't always rush in without a plan.
If you're lucky you might also score a new world record of flying computer hardware (mouse keyboard, office chair, e.t.c) :E

Lol my mouse has been thrown around a few times, mainly when I jump I just cause it to fall off the desk. Only once has it went across the room, the look on my friends face was priceless when he saw it go by his head.
The AI is good not the best.Those combine soldiers that just stand there for donkeys ages are just waiting for you to shoot the crap out of them while you've been behind them for ages that is just insane.They are easy targets.But not all combine are that stupid.
The AI is good not the best.Those combine soldiers that just stand there for donkeys ages are just waiting for you to shoot the crap out of them while you've been behind them for ages that is just insane.They are easy targets.But not all combine are that stupid.

Yeah i noticed that when i played HL2.

Funny thing is, this didn't happen to my brother at all when he played it. When he used to play it he'd get slaughtered. But it wasn't because he was shit at it, he just played it differently to me. I'm a runner and gunner, where as my brother is the type to sneak around and be cautious.

This made some massive difference in difficulty for him, as he constantly got torn to shreds. Go figure.
combine are one of the most smartest ive seen. this is one scenario that happened to me at the lvl after ravenholm and the caves.. 2 combine soldiers. the both start blasting at me with their ar2s strafing and taking cover behind cars and stuff. i light a barrel. the two combine soldiers immediately direct each other two move off with their hands and it explodes. i hide behind car as my health is 20 hp. one ass combine nicely tosses a nade near me. i grav it up and toss it back at them. they strafe off again directing each other. i go mad and charge at them with shotgun. one goes down..the otherone murders with a good hit with the gun to my head..awesome..hl2 rox rox rox...
I didnt even know the screamers were behind me in ravenholm. But yeah the Ai's are advanced. They do signal to each other when they see a gernade but when they are in a inclosed area they will duck. I remember throwing a gernade and they ducked once.
Nothing better than a dark coridor, only emergency lights glowing from the walls. You come to a dead end, a heavy door stands here, an airlock. It's locked, but you come closer, you hear some creepy scratching and growling of an unknown monster on the other side. You try your hacking device to open it, but in vain. your nerves are streched to the limit. And just when you turn around to get back, you make a few steps and suddenly the shaft above you (which you haven't noticed) opens and a xenomorph leaps on your head with a howl... the next thing is you pressing secondary fire in havoc (grenade launcher) wasting both the alien and yourself. If you're lucky you might also score a new world record of flying computer hardware (mouse keyboard, office chair, e.t.c) :E

Alien vs. Predator. The first game (AVP 1, Gold Edition or Director's Cut as they call it) is much more darker and scarier. But AVP 2 is much more advanced, with better graphics (for the time - DX8), sound and gameplay. And the multiplayer is awesome.
bah...when it comes to fear, doom 3 owns, for the first few lvls at least..