I noticed something weird on my apartment today....


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
And decided to take a picture of it.


Discuss! :p

And no, thats not a sattelite reciever, because we all get public cable or have smaller recievers installed individually.
Well DUH its a microphone. You DO live in Korea. Every conversation you have is being recorded.
But why is it pointing up then... D:
Again... its Korea... your governments have no idea what they are doing.
That explains a lot.... A real lot...
We're on to you.
Come out with your hands up.
This is not a drill.
Ok, that explains a lot more. :p
Think, Numbers, think! What if Bliink is a DEMON NORTH KOREAN AGENT????!?!?!?!?!!!!!11!1!11!11oneone!1!11eleventy-one1!111!!!!
The Lighting in that image is weird and looks fake....
and that building looks like a a big box.
lens was smudged.

And thats the roof of my apartment complex #7. 13 stories.
Its a normal satellite dish. That "microphone" is called a feedhorn.
Since the dish is a parabolic surface, it has a focal point that it reflects all it's received signals to. The feedhorn sits in the focal point, and actually grabs the transmission, otherwise, how would the dish be useful?


She's right you know. But that is just common knowledge. I'm surprised you expected it to be otherwise numbers! D:
It's an attempt to record alien conversations.

"We" gotta' keep track of our forum members some how!
I was going to reply 'rust' because that's all I can really see, but bliink hit 6 runs instead D:
I'd be more concerned about the dark smudge in the upper left corner. UFO?
Well DUH its a microphone. You DO live in Korea. Every conversation you have is being recorded.

lol! :laugh:

Numbers they're monitoring your neighbourhood because they've detected Communist propaganda in your area (specifically coming for a video game website hosted in seattle) ..I've intercepted a plan to neutralize the threat and round up the spy's family/neighbours to be sent to the re-education camps for deprogramming. You have 3 minutes before police in riot gear break through your door and shoot/arrest you .... run while you still can ...oh btw when you reach the safehouse the password is "the sparrow has landed"
lol! :laugh:

Numbers they're monitoring your neighbourhood because they've detected Communist propaganda in your area (specifically coming for a video game website hosted in seattle) ..I've intercepted a plan to neutralize the threat and round up the spy's family/neighbours to be sent to the re-education camps for deprogramming. You have 3 minutes before police in riot gear break through your door and shoot/arrest you .... run while you still can ...oh btw when you reach the safehouse the password is "the sparrow has landed"
Don't listen to him, he's a demon North Korean agent! The real password is "the South Korean Magpie has defeated the North Korean Rose of Sharon, crumbling their nation of evil and bringing justice and victory to the holy peoples of South Korea in all its glory and righteousness"!
Don't listen to him, he's a demon North Korean agent! The real password is "the South Korean Magpie has defeated the North Korean Rose of Sharon, crumbling their nation of evil and bringing justice and victory to the holy peoples of South Korea in all its glory and righteousness"!

wow that's a mouthful:

safehouse guard: "password"

numbers: "the North Korean Magpie ...oh shit ..wait!!"

safehouse guard: imposter! for the glory of the nation!!! <bang bang bang ..thud ...bang>
I would have to agree with the vast majority of users in here, in...

a) the fact that Bliink is actually a north korean agent covering up for her governments activities.
b) it's a microphone planted by a north korean agent, most probably Bliink
c) The North Koreans are spying on you and watching your every move in an attempt to a) replace you with someone who looks and acts just like you, and b) to kidnap you so you can go to the north and produce super babies with all the hawt female north korean agents...who are men.