I Played HL2 on an iMac...


Feb 2, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, I installed Windows XP on my dad's iMac 20" using Boot Camp Assistant. To my surprise, Half-Life 2 ran surprisingly well on it with everything maxed out at 1680x1050 resolution. I even had 8x AA and 16x AF. FPS ranged from around 40-60 in the coast levels, around 60 indoors (sometimes as high as 100 in less detailed areas), and around 25-40 when a lot of stuff started happening on screen. It would dip a bit low when complex lighting situations showed up, though.

The main problem was some choppiness in the screen which could be fixed a bit by turning on vertical sync, but this made the framerate pretty bad.

Episode 2 was another story, though. It had a pretty consistent 25-30 FPS in the first level. It looked beautiful with the iMac's display, it was just pretty slow. I think Source 2007 is a bit too much for the iMac on those settings.

Overall, I was pretty impressed with it. It performs pretty well for a flashy office computer.


Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66GHz
300GB Hard drive
ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256MB

Anyways, just thought I'd share that. It's pretty weird to play HL2 on a glossy widscreen display (for me anyway--I have a 17" CRT) with an Apple keyboard and 1-button Mighty Mouse. Kind of gimmicky, but overall pretty cool that you can actually run Windows XP or Vista natively.
The Mighty mouse should be configured to act as a 2 button, it's simply a matter of tilting left or right.
Yeah, I know. It actually didn't need to be configured at all. Just feels strange.
It's the same as you described on my '06 iMac, except that Episode Two runs like crap. 15 fps avg.

2.16 GHz Core 2 Duo
128MB Radeon X1600

Maxes out HL2 at 30-60 fps, good for TF2, but fails at EP2. Unfortunately there's some weird issue with my Windows installation which means that I have to run pre-Source 2007 games windowed or else it crashes. Go and figure this situation, good sir.