I have a little problem... When i try to play CZ online using steam, At the prechaching Resources point I get the following error: (Insert random model/sprite/some other file) is wrong version number (0 should be 30).
Most often it is shotgunshell.mdl, and, lets put it this way... I am in a room with one way out, a pistol, and 15 Ts on the other side of that way out... Please someone... Drop an MP5 and some kevlar at my feet... Maybe even an HE if possible... Please Help
Most often it is shotgunshell.mdl, and, lets put it this way... I am in a room with one way out, a pistol, and 15 Ts on the other side of that way out... Please someone... Drop an MP5 and some kevlar at my feet... Maybe even an HE if possible... Please Help