I shouldn't complain but....


Jul 24, 2007
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like many of Im going back to school next week I enrolled in 4 classes
each class has 3.units so a total of 12 units,I tried to pay my tuition over the phone but the balance was only $14...considreing each unit should be around $30 I was a bit confused but I paid for it anyway,thinking that I would just have pay the rest when school starts.
today I got a letter with my class schedule
it also had info on the payment I made...

enrollment fee $240
CCSA fee $10
Health fee $14
BOGG B enrollment waiver -$240 :O wtf?
BOGG B CCSA fee -$10

total $14.00

I never applied for any financial help or anything,so I dont know what this means,I'd rather let somebody else get this kinda help I really dont deserve or require it.

your thoughts?
but what if it was a mistake?
and they meant to give that discount to somebody else?
then they will get it when they figure it out
What kind of crazy ass school do you go to where they only charge you $240 for classes before the free money discount? I had to pay $2500 this semester. Hurray tuition hikes!